Just A Normal Girl

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The alarm has never sounded so annoying. I swear, every time the beeping noise wakes me up out of my much needed rest, I become so intent on throwing the alarm clock across the room. I hesitantly throw the covers off of my body, and let the cold air engulf me. I shiver, and turn off the alarm clock. I look at it. 7:30 am. I get ready for work and head out of my two floor house. 

When I get to work I am greeted by the usual "hello's," and "hi's." I look at the chart of appointments and realize I have my first patient coming at 9:00 am. As a Dental Hygienist, my job is pretty straightforward. Thankfully it pays well, especially in Manhattan, New York where the rent prices are through the roof. The first patient arrives, and I do the usual. Cleaned and flossed her teeth, and gave her the good ole' fluoride filled sponge. After about 20 more patients, it was 5:00 pm, and I left work. 

Remembering I was low on my much needed coffee, I rushed to the local supermarket. I walked in, grabbed my coffee and roamed around the store, hoping to recall anything else I might need. Walking through the aisles, I came across a cheese sample table. The guy behind it was handsome. He had an almost bald head of hear, and a light case of facial hair. His body was pretty thin, but muscular. He's pretty damn hot!

"Hello ma'am, would you like to sample some cheese?" The guy asked.

"Sure!" I said. I picked up a piece of pepper jack cheese, and bit it off the stick, looking at him as I did. I realized his mouth slightly agape, and him biting his lip. I smiled, and winked. Typical me, flirting with the first hot guy I saw. I won't lie, I'm a flirt. Sadly, I never kept a relationship long before ending them. Guys were either too clingy, unfaithful, or couldn't keep their shit together in the bedroom. I'll admit, I'm quick to climax, but when a guy is the same way, it doesn't work out. I like to be 'fulfilled.'

"Can I ask you a couple questions?" He asked. 

"Okaaay..." I reluctantly said. What kind of questions could he possibly want to ask? Let alone, who was this handsome man? My mixed feelings were interrupted by his first question. He looked down at his folder before giggling in a high pitch, and looking at me.

"How is that cheese affecting you; personally?" He asked. What a weird question...how the hell would cheese affect me personally?!

"It didn't, but it was good." I answered. He looked down at his folder again, and cursed before looking at me again. 

"Uhhmmm....so...um....ah man...umm...my friend called me a taint kisser. But I don't know what that is. Do you?" He asked, looking all innocent. What the hell? I knew what a taint kisser was, but what did it have to do with cheese? I tried not to laugh when I responded.

"Man, a taint kisser is the part bewteen a guy's dick and his butthole..." I said, trying not to burst out laughing. He laughed, and slapped his face.

"Oh my...oh gosh, um okay. Well we're all set, thank you." He said as he slammed the folder shut. Wow this was interesting. But still hot so I made a move. I grabbed his folder, and turned to a blank page. I wrote my number on it, and winked as I gave it back to him. He looked at it and looked at me and winked. As I was walking away, he pulled me to the side. 

"Hey, you're on a TV show called Impractical Jokers." He said.He explained to me what the show was, and I was so embarrassed that I had been all flirty, when in reality, this was all a prank. I had to sign a waiver for my face to be on TV. I didn't mind, so I signed. As I headed for the register to buy my coffee and leave, humiliated beyond belief I may add, I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around. It was him.

"Um, hi!" I said, smiling. 

"Hello. I just wanted to say thank you for being a good sport. And what's your name?" He asked. 

"Elyse. Elyse Peterson." I said. He smiled. 

"Well I forgot to tell you my name earlier. My name is James Murray, but the guys call me 'Murr.'" He said.

"Awesome. Well nice meeting you!" I said and I turned to walk away. 

"Nice meeting you too." He said. I watched him walk away. I quickly paid for my coffee, and got out of there. When I got home, I turned on the TV, and looked for the TruTV channel. Sure enough, Impractical Jokers was on! I watched one episode, and I have to admit, it's pretty funny. I was surprised I'd never heard of it before. I was tired so I headed off to bed. 

An Impractical Love (A Love Story With James Murray): Book 1Where stories live. Discover now