Chapter 1

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Cleo's POV

"She's going to be here right?" I ask my Father, and our Alpha, in a pout as I help him check on the party preparations.

"Sweetie, I don't think that there would be any stopping her." My father chuckles before kissing my forehead gently.

"That doesn't mean that SOMETHING could stop her from coming. What if she's attacked? Or worse, already being hurt?" My voice rose an octave or two as I started to hyperventilate.

"Miss Cleo, there's no need to worry over her... she can take care of herself, right Alpha?" My father's Beta Victor comments as he walks over to join us.

"Without a doubt she'll be able to handle whatever comes her way." My father nods with utter confidence, but sighs when he sees my concerned face, "Victor, do we know if our other guests are on their way?"

"They are, Alpha Ian, and if it's okay with you, I'll call her one last call in order to ease Miss Cleo's mind a bit." Victor replies with a kind smile in my direction.

"Is my Love freaking over whether her Sister is going to show up or not, again?" A young man asks as he wraps a gently arm around my waist and I instantly start to relax a little more because he's my mate.

"I am not freaking over it." I frown as I cross my arms over my chest in a pouting mood, "I merely want my Blood-Sister to be the first person I tell our good news to."

You're freaking just a little bit. - My wolf informs me with a small smile in her voice.

"You better call one last time Victor." My father says in a mock-grave tone, "Before she really starts to feel the hormones."

"Alpha! The other packs are starting to arrive!" One of the other pack warriors shout to us as we hear the cars coming to a stop in our large driveway.

"Victor, call her. Cleo, get cleaned up after he calls for you." My father smiles to me reassuringly as he goes out to greet the guests that are just arriving.

"Everything will be fine, she'll be here... she knows better than to not show up for one of your parties unless she's actually working for your dad." My mate whispers to me as he hides his face in my hair and kisses the top of my head.

Listen to our mate. - My wolf purrs from being so close to our mate.

"That and she'd probably skin me alive the next time I came to visit her." A new voice cuts across the kitchen and we all turn to see who the speaker is, "Hey, how are ya Blood-Sis?"

"You made it! I'm so glad you made it in time!" I throw myself into the young woman's arms as I exclaimed loudly with joy.

"I figured as much when I heard your father guiding the other guests to the backyard where the party's set up." The young woman smiles down at me and then looks to the two gentlemen behind me, "Hello Victor, hey Mike. You two been doing okay?"

"This fellow's about to have his hands full." Victor laughs as he points to Mike, and receives a grimace from him in return.

"Oh really now, could that have something to do with you're big news Blood-Sis?" I look up into the Blue-green eyes that have silver dancing within them and nod with excitement.

"Oh, Diane! I'm just so happy that I can finally tell you!" I smile brightly at her, "I'm Pregnant!"


Diane's POV

Cleo's words bounced around inside my head as I looked down at her smiling face, her arms still wrapped around me like only she was allowed to... completely stunned to hear the news that my Blood-Sister was going to finally be starting her own family by having her own pup.

You need to respond... she's waiting for our reaction. - My wolf reminds me and I can truthfully say that if it weren't for her and Cleo, I wouldn't remember what it would be like to act human.

"Cleo that's wonderful." I smile back down at her, though none of my smiles have ever really made it to my eyes, Cleo has made it her goal to try and get a few that do... and she has on occasion done so, but very rarely and only because she's my Blood-Sister, "You're going to be a great mother!"

"And you're going to be a great Aunt!" Cleo says in that tone that means she won't hear about it otherwise, "That means you have to come around more often, and fewer chores for Father. "

"Of course I'll come by more often." I state blankly like it was never something to question as she finally releases me to stand by her mate again, "I'm a self proclaimed Protector of you and your kin, and that includes any and all of your pups."

"I wish you'd say it in a way that makes it sound like you actually wanted to be around us... and not just because you feel obligated to be here." Cleo says a bit sadly but then shakes her head for a moment, "Anyway, come on! Father says that I still need to get cleaned up, and you just got here, so you do too."

I let out a soft chuckle as I wave to the other two and allow Cleo to take my hand firmly and dragged me upstairs, just as some of the guests entered the kitchen with Cleo's Father. Cleo and I made it to her and her mate's bedroom, since they now shared her old room, and we caught up on things that had been going for the two of us besides the fact that I had just gotten some work for her Father and her being four weeks pregnant. Cleo got a bit sentimental and dragged out some pictures from a few years ago when we had first met, not that I was in many I didn't like photos, and we laughed at how much things had changed for us.

"I don't know if I ever even really thanked you for helping us." Cleo whispers so softly when I get out of my shower, toweling my hair dry as I come out wearing a different towel and then I crouch down next to her and take her right hand in my left as I set my right hand next to hers.

"You thanked me more than anyone else I know... I had lost my family before I even knew them. I lived as a Rogue and got labelled the 'Lone She-Wolf', but when I found you and helped you're new mate rescue you, you immediately demanded that your Father make us Blood-Sisters." I murmur to her gently as she looks at our palms, "Matching scars on our right hands... no one can copy or break this connection that you have given me. You gave me a family, and though I may not be used to being around others, you haven't given up on me yet and I can't help but feel that one day, I'll finally be ready to join the pack with you."

"Really?" Cleo looks at me with wide eyes, shocked that I'm telling her this.

"Without a doubt." I smile at her with a real smile one that does make it to my eyes this time because I'm completely opening up to her now.

"You're still the toughest She-Wolf I know." Cleo says as she wraps her arms around my neck gently.

"I better be." I laugh softly in her ear as she lets me go and I quickly pull on a pair of close fitting jeans, and a button up blouse over my undergarments, "I still have a temper and attitude problem I need to work on first."

"And that's why she does chores for me." Cleo's father knocks on the door as he opens it, at the same moment I finish buttoning my blouse, I give him a respectful bow because he is an Alpha... but hey, his aura doesn't really effect me like it would effect other wolves, "Cleo, can you be separated from Diane long enough for me to get her report in my study?"

"Yes Father, I have to get my clothes on." Cleo smiles at him brightly.

"You can retrieve me after that then." I laugh a little, "Knowing you, I'll be done giving him my report by the time you're satisfied with your outfit."

"You're wisdom really does astonish me sometimes." Her Father laughs with me as Cleo sighs and shoos me out of her room with my green jacket in hand instead of the fake black leather one I'd worn into the house.

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