Chapter 8

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Diane's POV

I had spent many hours in the kitchen cooking, but was thankful that I knew how to make a few smaller snacks before I had started the major cooking because some of the pack members had started to show up to the dinning hall earlier than they had intended. I was stirring one of the two large pots I had on the larger of the four stoves when the elderly pack member from who had directed the setting up of the dining hall came in through the kitchen door to check on my progress.

"Luna, some of the pack members have begun to arrive... is there anything I can help you with?" She asks me in a formal tone and I stop stirring the pot to turn to face her for a moment before turning to the stew I had in the other pot.

"You can call me Diane... I don't like the title Luna all that much." I inform her in a gentle tone that catches her off guard, "I don't really need any help either... but those snacks over there on the tables can be taken in for everyone."

I was moving on to place some dinner rolls and biscuits into the over as I motion with my chin at the small sandwiches and other items that I had quickly put together in case this might have happened. I also had a couple of different forms of salad upon the table with the sandwiches as well... might as well try and get my pack to eat some of the healthier foods if I can even though we all eat more than regular humans do. It's kinda why most of us are referred to as "Bottomless Pits" in the human community.

"When did you make...?" The elderly woman starts but I just smile at her after setting the oven timers.

"It wasn't that hard at all really." I smile a little more at her before turning back to the counter in which I have some of the meats still marinading in some of my own spice combinations, "Alright, onto the next portion."

I listened as the elderly pack member instructed the girls who had been with her earlier into taking the snacks out into the dining hall and couldn't help but become more determined to make a meal fit for this pack. I moved quickly, efficiently and yet I made sure that everything was made just right. I was in the middle of making sure that one of my dishes had gotten it's appropriate flavoring when I froze at the sound of someone entering the kitchen.

"Wow, they were right... you really are cooking." I hear Andrew's voice and I can't turn around to face him because I've suddenly gotten nervous, "It all smells so good in here... are you taste testing something? Can I try?"

Before I can stop him, he wraps his arms slowly around my waist, still trying not to scare me away, and takes the food from my hand... with only his mouth. I turn around in his arms in horror as I watch him slowly chewing on the vege that I had half eaten trying to gauge its flavor.

"It's not done yet...!" I say in a futile voice considering he's already swallowing and I hold my breath for a moment as he seems deep in thought as he does so.

"It tastes perfect." He smiles at me before bending down just enough to give me a quick peck before letting me go... which makes me feel a bit sad, but then I watch with confusion as he goes over to grab an apron and returns to my side as he's tying it, "I'll help you finish."

"What? But... I..." I start as I look to all of the food that I have cooking at one time and I let out a sigh before turning a serious look at him, "Fine... but no peeking at what I'm doing okay... it's a surprise that I don't want ruined."

"I promise." Andrew smiles as me before going to stir the pots I have on the stove.

I have to admit, it was more calming with Andrew there, helping me and talking with me about how the pregnant she-wolf, who I now knew to be Shannon, was doing. I was glad that she made it to the pack hospital in time in order to have her pup, but I was still worried about her and would be until I saw her once more... old habits from my past I guess. We finished the rest of the main dishes in perfect timing with the last of the pack members that were joining us for dinner tonight. I set aside some food for both the Gamma, who's name was Brett, and Shannon so that I could take it to them later on, and so that I could make sure that she was doing alright when I got there... but then a thought came to me.

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