Chapter 11

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Andrew's POV

Everyone was livid when they heard Val say Diane's name... My wolf was at the top of the list of those who wanted to hunt down the RK person and have their head on a silver platter. However, the current debate was about how the company was going to inform Diane about the hack-breach.

"I think Andrew should go." Claude suddenly announced to the whole room of people who were in on the mission Diane was on... I was only here because I wanted to make sure that my mate stayed safe.

"Me?" I commented and felt my wolf roll his eyes at me, "isn't there someone more qualified and who knows more about the mission she's on who should go?"

"You don't need to know about the mission in order to get this warning to Diane... all that's needed are heightened senses, a really strong need to protect Diane and enough skill in order to protect themselves while getting the message to Diane." Val informed me as the rest of the group nodded, "Diane is in danger, and we all know that Alpha wolves don't like it when their mates are in any kind of danger... that instantly makes you the best candidate we have."

I thought this over with my wolf, and just knowing that he was enraged by the very thought of someone wanting to hurt our mate, that was all I needed in order to mind link some of my Beta, Gamma and Delta in order to let them know what was going on. I nodded to Val and stood up at the same time she did, not wanting to waste a second longer to get this message to Diane. Val gave me a short brief on where Diane and her Daughter Ivory should be at this moment... I didn't bother with a vehicle, because running in my wolf form would be faster than any car could even dream of being.

After spending hours of running, Andrew finally caught a faint scent trail that he knew was Diane's and immediately began to follow the trail until he came to the edge of a tree line where the scent was strong within a town. Shifting out of sight of the people near by, Andrew made his way through the decent sized town to the largest club that was located close to the center of town. Following Diane's scent inside, he began to immediately look through the crowd for her... only to become confused when the strongest part of her scent went toward the back of the building, even though he was staring right at her while she was pressed up against a different male wolf. Jealousy, anger and hurt all passed over Andrew's face as he watched his mate cling to this other wolf and just as he was about to confront her about it, a cool hand got a hold of his arm and pulled on him hard enough to draw his attention in the opposite direction.

"It's just an illusion... if you want to blow her cover and get her killed, then by all means head over there." The young vampire stated as she tugged on his arm again, "If you'd like more facts before you blow up for the wrong reasons, then follow me to her... this way."

The young vampire led him by the arm all the way to one of the farthest back suites that were available and into a room filled with people who looked like they were there to guard something. Andrew made eye contact with the young she-wolf that Diane had dragged along with her and frown when he saw her standing in front of a doorway... the same one that the young vampire was directing him to.

"She's in there... don't freak out if she doesn't respond right away, or over her little gifts... we're still trying to figure out her bloodline details so that we know how she can do what she can do and she's not all that excited to discuss it until she knows more about who she is." The vampire warned him before turning back around and walking back out of the room with a couple of she-wolves walking with her.

Walking past the she-wolf that was guarding the door like her life depended upon it, Andrew made his way into the darkened room in which his mate was located. After the door was closed behind him silently, his eyes adjusted to the darkness of the room and settle upon the slightly restless figure that laid on top of the blankets on the king sized bed. She looked as if she was having a nightmare, and from what Andrew understood and from what he had seen, he could almost guess what that nightmare was. He had just gotten to the side of the bed, brushing some of her hair from her face, when she bolted up into an upright position, swung herself with practiced ease and soon had Andrew pinned upon the bed as she straddle his waist before he even had time to react to what had happened.

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