Chapter 16

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Chandler's POV

My throat still stung a little from when Alpha Diane had held my off of the ground by my neck, rightly so with how I had spoken to her, but it was an unspoken agreement between us since we both knew that if she tried to use force on any of the other Rogues... she'd probably kill them just by pushing them a little since they weren't as well trained as I was. I had trained Sylvia as best as I could with the limited knowledge that I had been given growing up. Thinking of my sister, she interrupted my thoughts to let me know that our targets were almost upon us... our part of our Alpha's plan was just about to start.

"Ready Chandler? They're almost..." Sylvia paused in the middle of her sentence as she sniffed the air, and before either of us could react, a Beta ran ahead of the group and against his Alpha's orders.

The Beta pulled my sister from behind the tree, her eyes wide as her jaw dropped and before I could tell him to let go of her, he growled in a loud voice that stopped everyone in their tracks.

"Mate." He growled in a possessive manner that caused a shiver to go down my sister's spine and I immediately felt the need to either turn away from them in order to give them a moment, or growl out a warning about how if he hurt my sister, I'd kill him.

I decided to look away for now because my sister was swooning over the guy and I didn't want to lose my dinner... instead I looked into the direction of the very pregnant Blood-Sister to my Alpha. Her eyes were fiery and held anger as she looked me up and down before marching right up to me, against her mate's protests and got immediately into my face about my Alpha.

"Where is she? I know that she came back to you all, I doubt she would have blended in all that well, so I can only imagine that she holds a place of rank in your twisted little mob! Where is she?" The young female shouted at me as she practically stabbed me in my chest with her finger.

"She went to go deal with RK." Sylvia's voice had me turning a sharp glare in her direction especially since she was still gaze-locked with the Beta that was apparently her mate.

"Sylvia... I don't think Alpha wanted them knowing." I growl lowly to my sister in a warning tone that earned me a soft growl from her mate as he glared at me for a moment before my sister laced herself between us with a glare aimed at me.

"Chandler, you're my brother and I care about you but we both agreed that her plan was beyond idiotic." Sylvia snapped at me before turning to the pregnant she-wolf before us, "If anyone might be able to talk some sense into our Alpha, it's you... or if she had a mate, maybe him."

"She has one." The Pregnant girl states with a frown as she glances at the Alpha male that's with them, clenching his jaw as he takes in the fact that we didn't know that she had found her mate already.

"If she didn't tell anyone it's because RK has spies within the entire fortress." Sylvia comments as she gives the Alpha a calming smile, "We never really believed that she just up and gave up on any of you... we figured that if anything, she was trying to protect you guys from something and didn't want any of the people she cared about to worry."

"And that you'd all come storming into the "Badlands" in order to get her to come back home if that was the case." I finished off since my sister wasn't keeping anything a secret so I wasn't even going to bother trying to keep any now, "Seems like we were right... and she gave us orders to keep you all safe by securing you within her personal fortress in the very center of the of the "Badlands", there's more than enough room to house you all and we an make battle plans there if need be."

"If need be?" The vampire Claude raised a questioning eyebrow at me.

"We know where RK's castle is." Sylvia replies, "We also have our Alpha's suicidal plan memorized as well as the layout of said castle... including all of the hidden passages and entrances that RK doesn't know about himself."

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