Chapter 14

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Andrew's POV

It had been just over 4 weeks since I had gone upstairs to check on my mate after trying to process the fact that she had finally opened up to me, only to inform me that she was the one who had killed her own mother in order to protect the Blood-Sister that she cared so much for. I had knocked on her door, heard nothing in response and had opened her door to find that she had packed up some of her things and left without me ever knowing. The note she'd left me had me feeling beyond guilty because I had made her feel as if she was unwanted because she thought I considered her a monster now.

"Charlie... anything?" I asked my Beta hopefully when I came down stairs after having rested for a few hours, I had everyone within the pack looking for my mate... but if I knew anything about her, she probably wasn't even in my territory anymore.

"I'm sorry man... she's just not in the territory anymore." Charlie comments as he still doesn't look up from the charts on the areas that our wolves are looking through, "Why don't we contact her sister? She might know."

"Blood-Sister... and you're a genius as well as a moron all at the same time." I chuckle softly, "Trust me, I wanna ask Cleo where she is... but I'm not about to get my head ripped off by a pregnant female who's so close to delivering her pups."

Charlie and I were headed outside to meet the next group for patrols when I caught the sound of cars coming down the drive. I stood there with the group and began to feel a small amount of fear when I saw Claude and his mate Selene, Val, Ivory, Mike, Cleo's father and then a very pregnant Cleo get out of the three cars that had just pulled up to our pack house... and it looked like Mike had recently been put in the proverbial dog house over something.

"How dare you!" Cleo shouted as she slapped me across the face after storming her way right over to me, "She finally tells someone more about herself than anyone and you made her feel like she was a monster!?! She couldn't even bare to tell me herself what had happened... and she only told Mike because she asked him not to tell me, but he can never keep anything from me for long."

"I don't think of her as a monster!" I growled at the pregnant she wolf before me anger spreading throughout my body in waves at the very idea, "Anyone who had been told something like the things she told me would need time to process just what they had been told! She got scared because I was to silent, fine, but I have been searching for her ever since I realized that she just left without giving me a chance to process a thing!"

Cleo was shocked, not only at the fact that she got away with slapping me the one time, but at how large a patrol group was actually standing around watching our grouped conversation.

"You think this is our normal patrol group? You think I would ever ask my wolves to over work themselves to do anything less than find their Luna, who I know I hurt but I did so without even knowing that I had." I continued on and Mike moved up to stand by his mate and she gripped his arm for support as she listened to me, "I knew that she was afraid to let me in, to talk to me about her past, but I was willing to wait until she was ready... and now, all I can think about is finding her so that I can show her that she's not a monster. She's always done what she's needed to in order to survive and then you gave her something more to protect... you made her remember what it was like to have a family that cared about her. I need to make her understand that she's got the start of her own family right here in front of her... and that she doesn't need to be afraid of that."

"Then where do we look next?" Cleo asks me as she straightens up more, "We've already searched our territory completely through, and if she's not on yours, then where do we look next?"

"We could always start with her mother's stronghold..." Claude spoke up as he, Selene, Val and Ivory stepped forward, "I rescued her from there, I know where it is and I think that if she truly felt like she needed to try and stop this RK fellow before anything else happened... she might return to where she killed her mother in order to get back into the ranks of the Rogues."

"Then why are we still standing here?" Cleo asks, "You there, Gamma, watch over the pack, I'm going to borrow your Alpha and Beta."

"So long as you bring my mate's friend, our precious Luna, I won't mind taking this one order from you." Brett comments with a mischievous glint within his eyes.

"Friend's with Diane? That's rare." Cleo murmurs.

"My mate just recently had a pup... the Luna helped her get to the delivery room." Brett explained.

"That does make sense... mother's and their pups are one of her weaknesses. She'll do anything to make sure that they're alright." Cleo smiles as she runs a hand across her own belly.

"I guess you're going to lead the way for now." I say to Claude as I shake his hand in greeting and nod at Selene in respect.

"Just try and keep up, I want to make sure that my little sister makes it out of this alive." Claude chuckles softly.

"Alpha! Let me go with you!" Melissa came running over, her two younger siblings following close behind, "I may have only gotten a glimpse of the Rogue-world when Luna Diane took me to get my siblings, but I can be of help, I swear."

"I'm a Vampire, but that won't keep the Rogues from trying to rip me to shreds... having a wolf that they associate as a wolf under their thumb. It might just be more helpful to take her along." Claude agreed as he looked from Melissa to me.

"However, Diane wouldn't want the little ones to be put into any kind of danger." Selene stated as she looked at the two young ones herself, "Cleo's father and I will stay here. I will watch over these two little adorable beings and he is going to enlist the cavalry for when you do find Diane... we want to make sure that everyone is safe."

"Now that we do have a starting point to look for her, that's actually brilliant." Val nods in agreement, "I'm sure Ivory would be of more help in the search, so I'm going to head back to work and see what I can get on that front, plus I can start sending agents to go in undercover in order to help out... if I get a hit on anything, then I'll be sure to join you myself."

"Then lets get moving, I have a mate to find." I state as I look to each and everyone of them before I look to Cleo after all of the others.

"And a Rogue to kill while we're at it." She smiles at me in a dark manner that slight resembles an expression that Diane would have had on her face if she were going to go on a hunt like this.

"It's time she understood that she's not alone anymore." I say at last as I look up at the horizon just as the sun finally sets.

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