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Infiltrating the castle was easy thanks to our allies inside. We where guided through secret passageways until we came to a empty hall. It was dark only the moon light lit through the windows. Hange,Mikasa, Armin and I went towards the room that was said to Eren's prison. Guards stood outside the doors looking for any signs of intrudes.

"We'll need an distraction." Whispers Armin.

"Mikasa,Armin, how fast cab you two run?" Hange asks.

"I'm not leaving when Eren is close by." The stubborn raven argues.

"This is for Eren,please Mikasa. "Begs Armin. The girl sighs and agrees to play as bait.

"Oi! Over here!" The blond calls out once Hange and I were out if sight. The guards give chase leaving the door unguarded.

We approach the door when a sudden agonizing cry. But it wasn't Eren's cry. It was a cry of pained and frightened men. A sudden explosion shacks the floor from under us.

"The prisoner is escaping! "We hear a man gasp.

Kicking the doors open we enter upon a bloody sight. The room was in shambles and the once bed was covered in crimson. Bodies of men were scattered across the room,some unconscious while others crying in pain either with burns or broken limbs.

A woman was unharmed. She stood by the large hole that lead outside the castle.

"Ma'am? "Hange calls out.

The woman turns slowly with a pleased smile." You must be here for Eren yes?"

"Yes,where is he?" I asked anxiously.

She points to a large garden where a wall was broken. It lead into a deep forest.

"I've done my part for the lad,now it's your turn." She says as she begins to leave. "Take good care of them."

With that, Hange and I quickly head into the forest. But we weren't the only ones am trying to catch up with Eren. The royal guards surround the area ready to catch Eren in his variable state.

We could here the angry roars and growls of Eren's titan form. The cries of unexperienced men and women. Many began to flee from the forest not wanting to be his next victim.

We come to a clearing to see Eren hunched over on his knees. Every time a soldier comes near, they are thrown within seconds.

"Leave him alone!" I ordered.

"But sir,we are to bring him back to his majesty!" A man replies.

"I don't give a shit if he did or not,I said stay away or you'll have to suffer the consequences given by yours truly."

Most left in a instant after my threat but there were those who were too stubborn to even budge or too frightened.

"I'd listen if I were you,Levi doesn't go easy on his victims." Hange sighs with a playful grin.With that they scattered.

Once all was clear,I approached Eren. His eyes were blind with rage,he growls as I try to get near.

"Eren,Eren it's me,Levi." I said in a gentle tone. I drop my weapons showing him that the treats are gone. "You're safe now,you both are."

His eyes soften as he sits up. His hands were held together as he gently puts them in front of me opening them. There,sleeping soundnessly was a new born baby. Their hair was a patch of brown and sun kiss skin still covered in after birth blood. Taking my cloak off,  I reach out and wrap the baby up in it before holding it to my chest.

It squirms a bit in my arms almost scaring me, afraid I'd drop them. Their eyes flutter open revealing beautiful teal green orbs with a hint of grey.

"Is it a boy or a girl." Hange asks.

"A boy." I look up to see Eren out of his titan form.

He looked a bit weak,mostly  exhausted. He was covered in blood from birth,his abdomen showed signs of a c-section was operated in him,the scar slowly disappearing.

I smile as tears escape from my eyes. They're safe. Their alive.

"He's beautiful. "I whisper looking down at our son. He stares up at me before giggling,his voice sounded like wind chimes.

"Awe so adorable. "Cooed Hange.
"Name." Eren says. I look up escaping the enchantment of our son put on me." We need a name,Levi."

"Asher." I replied. I've been going over names for months since that day,and Asher was the perfect fit for our child.

"Asher, Asher Ackerman." Eren tries it out a couple of times coming closer towards us. He wraps his arms around my waist, leans his head against my own."I love it,I love you both."

Tears form in the corners of his eyes. "You came for us,I never doubted you. Thank you, Thank you."

I kiss him,not caring that Hange was there. We need it. For months only worry filled my heart and dread conquered my dreams. Now I am relieved to see the two loves of my life are safe and unharmed.

"Let's go home."

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