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It's been about two months since I've been imprisoned here,the castle. Seeing how I am pregnant I was to provide a weapon,not a child.

I'm on the fifth month of my pregnancy and the child sure does give a mighty kick in ones side. Just like his father. Tears fall from my tired eyes just thinking about him makes me wonder if I'd ever be able to escape.

Knock knock.

A woman about on her early forties enters with a tray of food. I was placed in a bedroom, a beautiful one at that but it's still a prison. Guards stand out my door to male sure nothing happens to me or the child.

"Good evening Eren."

"Hi, Carleda," I greet.

Carleda is a maid of the palace and a gentle soul. She's like a aunt I never had. She places my food on the table next to my bed. I try to sit up from my place on the bed but with the extra weight I was carrying it was a bit difficult.

"How are you two fairing?"Carleda asks.

Once seated correctly I sit near the table and stir the stew that was provided.

"Alright I suppose,he's a bit energetic." I replied before blowing the heat off my spoon.

"Ah yes,I remember when I was pregnant with my first born daughter. She too was a feisty one and still is." She chuckles.

The woman told me stories about her children,who sounded interesting. Especially as babies.

"Weren't you...scared of having kids?" I asked.

"I believe just about every new expecting mother would be frightened of bring a life into a world such as ours... As for Eren,I wouldn't be surprised if you are a bit terrified since you are not born with the proper utensils for child birth."

I nodded. I am afraid but I'm willing to sacrifice myself to give birth to this little life. If I die,then I do,just as long as he survives. And if,no,when Levi comes for him I know he won't fail to raise him on his own. Though I want us all to be together,I want to see them both,live a life as a family.

As if she has read my mind,Carleda places a firm,comforting hand on my shoulder. "You'll survive dear. You're a strong young lad,and I'm sure the father will want you to stay strong too."

No one knows whom the father is nor did they ask. Not like I'd tell them either way. I trust Carleda but not so much to tell her that humanities strongest is the father is the one who impregnated me.

"Yeah, you're right. Thanks Carleda." I smile.

"Anytime dear. Now let me leave you be,I must be off to take care of other business. Good night."

"Good night." I replied as I watched her go.

Two months later

"Carleda..." I groan as I hunch over the side of my bed.

"Eren! Are you alright." Carleda runs to my side when she enters my room.

She was about to help me up but I refused to move." It hurts."

She behind to massage the aching areas on my body. This morning I began to get serious pains in my back and hips. As if needles are poking me endlessly.

"Braxton hicks contractions." She sighs.

"Huh?" I replied not familiar with the word.

" Braxton Hicks contractions intensify nearer the time of delivery, the contractions are often referred to as false labor. "

"So I won't go into labor yet?" I asked.

"No its just preparing you for the real thing. You've only got a couple of months left."

Right,I'm on my seventh month of pregnancy and I'm still stuck here. The baby will be due soon. Every night I wondered when Levi would rescue me. Here and there I began to doubt only to hate myself for ever doing so. He'll come,he has to.

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