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I felt something warm rub against my stomach in a circular motion. It sent shivers down my spine,only one person was and will always be able to give me this feeling.

"'s too early." I yawn.

Peeling my tired eyes open I see Levi leaning against hand staring at my stomach where his hand lay. A smile forms on his lips. He only smiles like this around me,which made butterflies flutter around in me.

"Sorry for waking you. Want any food? "He asks. I nod feeling the cravings creeping up on me. "Any requests?"

"Hmm, not really. Anything will do." He nods and kisses my forehead before getting dressed to head to the kitchen. Food is very limited since being there as many people cramped in the only two standing walls. The food here also provides for the Survey Crops' troops,meaning everyone must eat the equal amount.

While I waited, I hear a knock on the door. Getting up,I head to it and ask who it was. It was none other than Hange.

"So..." she began. "Did you tell him?"

"Yeah. I did."


"He wants us to keep it." I smiled.

Hange jumps in the air with a squeal and pulls me into a bear hug.

"Can I ask what the commotion is all about?" A annoyed voice asks.

Levi stands in the doorway with a tray of food that was carefully separated. Hange let's go of me and begins to congratulate him on becoming a father and as I the mother.

"Keep it down you shitty glasses ,not everyone knows about this,and I really don't want them to know." He says but has a grin on his face.

Right,we dint know who'll rat us out or what the higher ups will do. I shiver at the memory in court. The military still have their minds set on collecting me. But in my condition ,they'll see this as an opportunity to do things they can't do with me.

"Why are you even here? "Levi asks Hange as he sets our breakfast on the table.

"Oh well you see since a normal doctor can't be around,I'll be Eren's private doctor. I'll do check ups on the two to be sure that their healthy and so on and so forth." Hange then gives us the date for my next schedule which will be next month. To think this child has been inside me for almost two full months.

After that, Levi literally kicked Hange out our room with the slam of the door. He mutter how filthy she was,but deep down I knew he sees her as a friend,he just doesn't know how to show it.
Reminds me of how we got together.

Earlier that year

I was cleaning a vacant room that I was assigned to when I felt a shiver run down my spine. I knew whom it was. The corporal was giving an odd look, as if deciding on what to do. For the past few weeks after the incident with Annie who turned out to be the Female Titan, and the loss of our fellow comrades,Levi has been watching me from the distance.

I wanted to say something but if I ever did acknowledge his presence he would disappear. So I just continued on with my chores. The castle was a bit lonely without the original team. Petra especially,she was like an older sister to me. She wasn't like Mikasa who kept her eyes on my every move,which got very annoying. Anyways,I believed Levi was taking the loss harder than anyone. He knew them longer other than Hange and Erwin Smith,a family. I wished I could do something for him,but I knew losing a loved one or more was a piece of a heart that could never be fixed.

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