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I can't take it anymore...

My stomach feels completely empty but the bile that continuously fills my mouth says otherwise. It's been almost a week since I found out about my pregnancy. How can woman still keep strong after this? I wondered. How did mom continue on? Especially with a son like me?

"Eren are you alright?" I hear Levi's voice break me from my thoughts.

He kneels to my level on the ground. We where on the training fields, I had disappeared from my group to do my "daily" yet temporary routine.

He rubs my back in circles to ease the unsteadiness that overwhelmed my entire being. I nod but the look in his eyes didn't believe me. He wipes my eyes showing my tears that dripped off his fingers. I didn't even notice.

"Eren,what is really going on? Tell me." He says in a commanding tone.

I turn away from him to the group of those who were training. I can't tell him about this,not here.

"Can we talk about this inside? Or at least further away from everyone?" I asked. He nods abd helps me up to my feet as we head towards the castle.

"Eren," We stop to the sound of my adopted sisters concern voice. Mikasa comes towards us, gives a quick glare at the corporal, and turns her attention to me. "Are you okay? You need to go to the doctor, a doctor in town."

I shock my head declining that option. If word gets out that a titan shifter is pregnant, then the higher ups might try to take me and the child, or worse,force me to dispose of it. None of which I will allow.

"I'm fine Mikasa. I just need some rest,I'll be fine." I assured her. She looks doubtful but nods giving in.

"Come on Eren." Levi then takes me to his room not wanting to be around Mikasa.

Both don't really like each other as anybody can tell. Mikasa wasn't too happy when found out about the my relationship with corporal. Never had I seen such blood lust in Mikasa,nor do I ever want to see it again.

Earlier That Year

My breaths were labored as he thrusted harder with each passing second. I had to cover my mouth preventing the moans that tried to escape. Levi kissed my neck up to my lips,I open them letting his tongue dance with mine. It then turn into a dominate game, of course he won.

"We...We should stop." I managed to say.

"Hmmmm? I doubt you want that to happen. "Levi replies as his fingers glide down my chest,abdomen and stopping  to my manhood. "He doesn't either."

I was blushing madly at that. He pumps slowly, teasing me knowing how that I like it faster.
"S-shit. "I moan. "But... we have training tom-morrow ."

He only grins,I then knew what he was about to do. I shock with pleasure when he begins to put myself in his mouth and begins to suck. I couldn't take any more,I was at my climax.

"L-Levi...Ahh!" I released my seed into his mouth. I watched as he swallowed it,a grin on his lips.

Just before he was about to kiss me when suddenly the do it to his room bursts open. There in the door way was a shocked and angry Mikasa.

"Eren,did he force himself onto you?" She growls.

"What No!" I replied.

"Lies! He did!"

I tried to reassure her that Levi didn't force me. I explained about our relationship but she wouldn't have it. Mikasa lunged at him not caring about his position,her eyes said it all. She was going to kill him.

But before she could touch him,Levi cups my face and kisses me passionately. My sister froze in place at the sight.

"You may not approve, but I don't  give a damn if you do. I choose Eren and he choose me,that's that." He says looking her in the eye. "You should believe in your brother,isn't th st what siblings do?"

Mikasa lowers her head and hurries out. I pull my self out from under my lover, put my pants on and run out to talk to her. After ten minutes of searching I found her in the stables. I sit with her in silence until she finally spoke.

"Why him? Why not me,Armin or even Jean?"

I shivered at the thought even doing it with someone with a face of a horse. Armin,no way,he's like a younger brother to me. And Mikasa...Mikasa is my sister,even if we're not related by blood. I can't be in any relationship other than that with her.

"I really like Levi," I said." Past the roughness he carries he's not really a bad guy. Could you at least give him a chance,please Mikasa. "

She sighs," Fine,but if he screws up,that dick of his is gone." I gulp with a nod. She embraces me. "I hope he makes you happy."    


Levi has me sit on his bed before grabbing a glass of water. I gorge it down feeling a bit nervous about what I was going to tell him. Will he leave? More importantly will he believe me? Corporal sits across from me, arms crossed, one leg over the other and waits for an answer.

Letting out a shacky breath I begin to tell him the symptoms I been having. I assured him it wasn't a disease and all.

"So what are you trying to say?" He says.

"Levi." I breath in and let it out slowly. "You won't be mad when I tell you this,right?"

He shakes his head. Its now or never. Taking his hand I pull towards my slowly growing stomach. Its small, barely noticeable.


"L-l-Levi...I'm pregnant. "

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