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"What are we going to name it?" I ask Levi one evening.

"Hmmm? "He hums looking up from his desk.

I rest my chin on the couch I was currently laying on in his office. I'm near my third month of my pregnancy and no one but me,Levi and Hange knows. I've isolated myself from everyone for weeks saying I've came down with something. Mikasa and Armin tried to see me but we couldn't have any risks. So I wrote letters to them and had Hange or Levi give it to them.

My sister isn't too pleased with being apart for this long. I know once this child is born my ears will be chewed off by her barking at me, orfering to explain everything. I'm shivering just thinking about it.

Anyways, back to Levi and the baby's name. "We'll need to pick a boy and girl name. Since we don't know what the gender is."

"I bet it's a girl." Levi says.

"Oh,how so?"

" You are carrying weight in your hips and rear."

I blush madly st his blunt comment. I look as my hips and ass,I really couldn't tell the difference. Leave it to Levi to notice.

"And if it's a boy?" I challenged trying to get my weight and ass off the topic.

"I want a girl." He says.

"Well I want a boy." I replied." I hope he looks like his daddy."

He chuckles at this." No you wouldn't,he'll probably chase his crushes away with inherited looks."

Getting up I creep up behind him and begin to kiss his neck. "You didn't chase me away."

"Which means some thing must be wrong with you to find me attractive in any way." He chuckles.

Pulling his chair away from his desk, I sit on top of it facing him with a playful glare." And something is wrong with you to fall for a titan shifter,so we're both insane."

He chuckles "Then the kid will be worse then both their patents."

"Which is why dad,is going to be chasing "him"."

"And why should I chase "her"?"

"Hey you don't have to carry a living being for nine long months, it's only fair since you planted "him" inside me."

"Not on purpose. "He sighs.

"Yes,but if you did knew I could get pregnant wouldn't you have?"He grins a wide grin answering my question. I blush even deeper than before.

Next thing I know I was on his lap as he kisses me with hunger. It's been awhile since we accidentally did "it" because I was worried about harming the life inside me. Hange reassured me that it's perfectly safe but I still wanted to be cautious because well, let's just say Levi doesn't know the meaning of the word "restraint".

He's the alpha while I was the omega. He's very dominant when it comes to sexually activities.

"L-Levi," I moan between kisses.

"Don't worry,I won't do that today,this will do for now." He says whispering in my ear causing me to shiver with pleasure. Dammit I want him.

As promised Levi was gentle as he pleasures my body with only his touches and soft lips.

"Names." I moaned almost forgetting about what got us into this situation.


"Calista. "

"Amoux. "

This went on forever until Hange broke off our concentration and make out session. The look on her face said it all,something was wrong.
Author Note: Boy or Girl

I'm giving you my lovely reader a choice. Should the baby be a girl or a boy?

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