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I sat in behind my desk trying to keep my volcanic mood under control. The room was silent as Erwin and Hange stood on either side of me waiting for our "guest" to speak up.

Nile Dok stood in front of my desk but not too close,if he had I'd kill him already. He had the impression of not wanting to be here either but was forced because he was forced to by our "king". I'm do not like this man,not one bit,because he wanted my Eren to be executed on the spot after the incident plugging up that hole with a bolder. If it weren't for Eren we'd be having more shit to be cleaning up.

"You are to hand Yeager over to us." He says.

Like hell I will! "And why should we?" I growled.

"That boy has been ill correct? If he doesn't recover anytime soon we'll have to dispose of him."


We turn to Erwin. Hange and I were shocked to hear him go against Dok's orders. Skratch that,I'm pleased that he did. Eren and Erwin,are good friends now with me and Hange and a few other cadets. That brat truly has an impact on some people.

"He'll feel better soon. He just needs some time."

"Time is what we are concerned about." Sighs Dok." The longer we wait,the impatient his highness becomes. People are seeing Yeager as inspiration, a titan that fights with along side humans. If he shows no progress then that dies and things go back,to the way they were."

I stand up and open this door to my office. "Get out."

"Why are you so attached to that boy,Captian Levi. Many see you as a cold,born killer with no emotions for anyone. Why is he the only one I've seen you give such a "caring".No. "Protective" atmosphere?"

He's ticking me off. "Get out, Eren will recover and soon. Now tell that fat ass of a king of yours that,and don't bother to come back."

With a huff Dok heads out with a side glance and walks down the hall. I slam the door letting the anger leak through.

"Well that went splendidly. " Hange laughs nervously.

I look out side my window waiting to see the bastard go. Minutes past and he still hadn't left. His horse still there. A eerie feeling washes over me. Eren!

I sprint out the room,the others followed close behind. Reaching to my chambers I rattled the door to find it locked.

"Search the castle!" I ordered the two. Without question they did as told.

I kick at the door twice before it broke off its hinges. "EREN!" The room was empty. There was a sign of a struggle. The room was a mess meaning Eren didn't go without a fight. The window was open and the sheets tied into knots hung over the side. At the end werr footprints leading away from the castle ,the stopped at the edge of the forest where horse tracks took over.


"Levi!" I see Hange and Erwin outside on their horses as well with mine.

I hop down and onto my mares back. With a whip of the reigns we bolted off into the forest. Erwin took the left side while Hange took the right. I remained in the middle keeping track of the intruders hooves.

I restrain myself, trying not to call out for my lover knowing that if I did, there was no telling what Dok might do.

"..evi...Levi...LEVI!!" I could hear Eren's voice calling my name up ahead. He sounded so scared. As was I.

Dok and his horse came into view. Eren was seated in the front of the his capture,he tries to move but seems to be thinking. Jumping would be to risky.

The beautiful,enchanting teal-green eyes did not only show tears but raging tears. He wanted to kill the bastard as much as o did. Then they flickers to me and they brightened with a hint of joy. He doesn't have to call me out because Dok noticed my horse was gaining on him.

He pulls out a gun from the holster in his coat and begins to fire. We dodge them but not fast enough. My arm gets grazed letting pain spread through it.

"Levi!" Eren gasps with worry.

"I'm fine." I said ignoring the pain.


We continue to play chase but it soon comes to,a close when the bastard shots my horse! She stumbles in her trackes causing her large body to crush my leg.

"Ghaa!" I groaned.


I struggle to push my injured mate off but she doesn't budge,she's to stunned to move.

"Stop it you idiot!" I hear Dok growl. Eren was trying to get himself free but due to his current state,he's become too weak.

"I said enough!" Dok rises the hilt of the gun and collides against Eren's head,knocking him out cold.

"Eren." I call out but he doesn't respond. I continue to push my mare off but to prevail.


I freeze, the gun is pointed towards my head ready to fire. Just as Dok was about to fire,a flare echoes the air as red smoke spreads upwards.Seeing this,Dok whips his reigns disappears through the sea of trees.

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