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I stare at Eren from the corner of my eye. I drink in every inch of him,his shape,his profile,everything. We finished training and we're resting in my room,well its actually our,no but us and Hange knows.

Eren rests on the bed on his side slowly falling asleep. His teal orbs struggles to stay open.

"Hey Levi..."He mumbles softly.

"Hmmmm? "

"I'm beginning to show."

He was correct. His abdomen was showing signs of something that shouldn't be seen on a man. His male frame was curving slightly at the hips but that's all,not including our child that was developing inside him.

Walking over to his side of the bed, I kneel next to him. We need to make an excuse for this without explaining about our pregnancy.

"Plus I can't train with everyone anymore. Its becoming more difficult to keep up."

Pushing the hair from his forehead I peck it. "Leave the worrying to me. I'll figure some thing out,now sleep."

"M'kay." He yawns before he was out like a light. His breaths even as his chest and abdomen rises and falls.

Leaving him to rest,I head to shitty glasses' office where she was looking over the results of our new test subjects. Before she could say anything I beat her to it.

"It'll be hard to pretend the pregnancy doesn't exists anymore."

"I thought so,it's growing quicker than I thought. Well I could say he has a virus of some sort and he'll be put to bed rest. That's all we can do for now."

I hate to admit but she was right. Those were our only options at the moment. I pondered on what to do later in the future. We'll be but out on the field soon and I know the higher ups will want Eren there. That could cause great risk for the both if them. I can't lose them.

That Night

I'm awoken by the sound of a painful cry. The cry echoes through the darkness as I run to find the owner of that voice.

"No please don't! "

It was Eren, he was pleading for someone to stop. But that person refused and continues to make Eren scream.

"EREN!" I call out but he doesn't seem to hear me.I call out again until he finally responded.


Faster I command my legs to duh harder to get to my lover,the mother of our child. Our child!!

I see Eren up ahead, he is chained and on his knees. He is leaned over, legs spread apart as a small beginning forces its way out of him. Eren tries not to let the pain get to him but it was to unbearable to ignore. A man stands in front of him while another readies his hands to catch the new born.

Rage engulfs me. "Don't.Touch. Them!" I charge at them only to be pulled back by iron chains. I try to pull free but each pull tugged me further away from my family. The last I had.

"No. EREN!"

"Levi...Levi." I bolt right up Inc old sweat. My breaths ragged as I try to calm myself.

Eren is by my side, not in chains,not in labor. He's safe by my side where he is ment to be. He pulls me towards his, rubbing my back to calm me down.

"It's okay, everything is going to be okay. "He whispers in a soothing voice.

Already, Eren has a motherly charm to him. But what do I know about mothers really? What do I know about families period? I've been alone during my childhood living as a thief,lost my closest friends and fellow comrades in battles. Losing Eren and the baby will be the only thing that may break me completely. 

As if reading my mind Eren says." We'll get through this together,Levi,you're not alone anymore.."

I hold onto him, as if he'd disappear from this earth,shaking.I'm not alone,finally.

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