Interview with hellphie

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1. What is your favorite fairy tale and why?

The Twelve Dancing Princesses. I’m not sure why, but this is the fairy tale I associate most with my childhood. I loved reading this story with my sister when I was younger. I always wanted to be one of the ones sneaking out without getting caught (and I used those skills when I was a teenager). I loved that the soldier was clever enough to figure out what they were doing without being brash or arrogant. Snow White and Rose Red comes a close second.

2. Who is your role model and why?

I don’t really do idols. There are people with qualities that I would like to emulate, but I’m of the school of thought that it’s better to find your skills and build on them than to try to be like someone else. I respect pretty much anyone that’s been able to find an agent and get themselves published though. And people that are inherently tidy.

3. What is the worst thing that has ever happened to you?

The year I graduated from high school, seven people my age – who I either knew well or through friends – died. That was a pretty shitty time.

4. What is the best thing that has ever happened to you?

An agent once asked to review my completed manuscript. In the end, it wasn’t right for them, but it was a high moment for me. (yeah I would have been bouncing off walls just to know that I had a chance)

5. Why do you write?

I have so many people living in my head; I need to write them down. I wrote my first short story for a class assignment in seventh grade and as soon as I started doing it, I knew that this was going to be something I would do for the rest of my life.

6. Why do you read?

I’ve been reading for as long as I can remember. Every single person in my family reads – a lot. I had floor to ceiling, built in bookcases when I was in jr high. This was the best bedroom I’ve ever had. I carry a book with me everywhere and usually have 3-4 on the go at once (not including wattpad stories). I can’t imagine a time in my life when I won’t be reading. I love getting lost in a world created on paper. I love when a book ends and I feel a sense of sadness because my journey with the characters is done.

7. What is the name of your current story and what is it about?

I’m working on two:

Quick Silver – It’s a fantasy melded with reality story about an alternate reality full of Silvers (something like fates) that control the aspects of our world. It follows the life of a modern day girl trying to figure out her future and the silver in training that’s guiding her life. It’s entirely different from anything else I’ve written and I’m not entirely sure where I’m going with it.

With Nowhere to Go – The second book in a series about a group of friends living in small town Alberta. In this book, Rayne, the star of the basketball team, gets in a stupid accident that breaks her leg and forces her to figure out what else is important to her. Teagan is a party girl, but when her oldest friend starts to fall for her, she has to figure out how to turn him down without destroying their friendship.

Bonus Question:

What was the last movie you watched and was it good?

Pirate Radio - Yes. It's excellent. It has a killer cast and a bad ass soundtrack.

Thanks for the great answers! xD


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