Interview with tlm2338

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1. What mythical creature do you think you could be?

Mythical creature, eh?? I can tell you right now definitely not a vampire or werewolf! When I was a little girl, I was entirely obsessed with the movie "The Last Unicorn". I wanted to be a unicorn for the longest time! I'm pretty fond of being a human, so I think I'll stick with my plain jane, non-mythical self!

2. What were you in your past life?

A cat! No doubt about it. I can be so lethargic, then I get really hyper at times. I'm really fickle too. I like to do my own thing most of the time, but I really like being around my friends when I want to. My boyfriend tells me I'm just like my cat, Norah.

3. Do you believe you were born at the wrong time? If so what era do you think you should have been born in?

I really do! My parents and friends tell me this all the time, and I'm not so sure what they are implying... :) I love to read, write, paint, knit, sew, and I hate having the lights on (weird I know, but I just like to have one lamp on!) so my friends always say I'm like the women in Jane Austen's time with my many talents. But I think that's a little pretentious! Haha! I think I'm far too opinionated, self-reliant, and free-thinking to have survived without being ostracized from my family!

4. Favorite time travel novel?

On Wattpad, I absolutely ADORE "Losielette And the Boy With The Mechanical Heart" by <a href="user/Sakuramiracles">@Sakuramiracles</a> I feel like it's a genuinely unique story line and the writing is really high quality! Side note- One thing I love about Wattpad is how I can come across stories in genres I'd never read otherwise that I absolutely enjoy to pieces! (hmmm...I will have to go check that one out)

5. What do you love about Wattpad?

Well, hmm I love the international reach of Wattpad! I've made so many friends from all over the globe- Australia, Greece, London, and all over the US. It's so incredible! Even if I never physically meet them, it's still a heartwarming feeling to someone on the other side of the globe knows the real me through meeting my story!

6. What do you hate about Wattpad?

Oh dear... I hate the SYS club with a fiery passion! And by the SYS club, I mean false advertisements of read-for-reads and spamming the hell out of your story. I refuse to read stories that I see plastered on every post that clearly ignore the first post of the discussion. And I really hate when people leave fake comments on stories in such a way that it's obvious they just summarized the previous comment. Grr.... (I absolutely positively agree with you 100% on that one)

7. What is the name of your current story and what is it about?

My current story is called "How His Gift Saved Me", and it is currently being re-written into a short story. It's about a college student named Liese who writes a story about her junior year of high school for a senior thesis project. Through her writing, she learns how burdensome her memories are and sets herself free of them. It's a story within a story that focuses on memories as reality vs. romanticized idealistic versions of the truth.

Bonus Question:

What do you like to do for fun besides writing?

Well I'm an anthropology major in school, so I love people. I could sit and people watch all day long (in a totally non-creepy way). I like to watch how people interact and make guesses as to their motivations behind their actions! Also, I just finished up an archaeological excavation of Archaic Native Americans in Texas which was soo much fun! I'm sad it's over, but know I'll be focusing on finishing my story before the fall session begins! (I feel the exact same way only I'm majoring in Psychology...studying the mind of people I just find so fascinating)

Thanks for the interview! It certainly has been the wackiest set of questions I've been asked before! :)

No thank you so much for your lovely answers. You had some very interesting answers. =D</pre>

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