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Cierra Ramirez as Mina Aquilina

Madison Iseman as Cassie Wonder


My best friend, Cassie and I lay on a blanket in the middle of the woods, doing absolutely nothing. Cassie here, had the great idea to go camping because we both needed a get away, but I think that it just made me keep overthinking everything that's happened. I honestly have no idea how this idea came up or why I agreed to it, but here we are, freezing cold in the woods.

The biggest feeling I have is regret. I regret what I did and I regret pulling my best friend down with me. We both lost everything because of what happened and now we are in a completely different city with no plan. We moved to this small town called Beacon Hills, California a couple months ago because of the whole situation that happened in our old home in Australia.

"How could I be so stupid?" I ask cluelessly, biting my lip raw.

"It wasn't your fault, Mina. You just did what you thought was right at the time," she responds still looking at the night sky. A sigh escapes my mouth as I let my emotions get to me.

"Ya, but everything I did, lead to all those awful things he did and I'm the reason that it all happened," I ramble.

"Don't think like that. There was nothing you could do."

"I can't just sit here. I need a distraction." Getting restless, I sit up on the blanket that we are laying on and run my hands through my tangled brown hair. I look to the side at the blue eyed, blondie that I call my best friend. We always have stuck together and now that's all we have is each other.

"So, I assume that means you have a plan then. Since this was your idea and all," I taunt, expecting her to say she has no idea what we're doing.

For a moment her blue eyes stare at me cluelessly, but then they light up and a goofy smile forms on her face, which means she just came up with an idea. She hops up quickly and looks down at my own brown eyes, causing me to raise my eyebrows.

"Come on," she extends her pale hand to help me up. I hesitate, surprised by her sudden change in mood, but end up taking her hand anyway.

She then turns around and immediately starts to walk somewhere. I follow her, not really in the mood to care about where she's taking me. We pass through many trees. The slight breeze moving my wavy, chocolate brown hair causing me shiver. I miss the warmer weather from our old home, near the beach. I shake my head, not wanting to think about my past anymore and step over a branch to keep up with Cass.

We come to a stop after a couple of minutes, as Cassie says, "Tada..." In front of me is a beautiful lake that is reflecting the moonlight perfectly. I look at the water longingly and feel a shift in my sobby mood. A wide smile overtakes my pink lips. I take Cassie's hand and quickly move to run off the small docks that lead into the welcoming water.

When I am fully under a familiar cool rush runs through my body. My whole body shimmers like water and my legs disapper along with my clothes, only to be replaced by a beautiful light orange tail and a light orange, scaly bra to match. My smile widens as I see Cassie with the same colored mermaid tail and bra. I still don't understand where the heck the clothes go though.

Cassie's blonde hair slightly darkens which contrast  with her light tan skin and blue eyes. My hair is now straight and wet, which is how it is in my mermaid form, and my hair darkens to black from the natural brown waves. The water immediately washes away my bad mood, replacing it with a sense of calmness.

"I knew this would make you smile!" Cassie shrieks happily. I roll my eyes at her and slightly splash her with the water.

"Whatever," I respond with a small smile. "I'll race you to the other side," I challenge. Not wasting a second, she immediately goes under the water and splashes me with her tail as she takes off.

"Hey! I didn't even say go!" Diving into the water, I flick my tail really hard and I blast off towards Cassie. Mermaids pretty much have super speed under water. So it only takes 3 minutes to go across the whole lake, which is about the size of three football fields across. I see many fish in the lake as I speed through. Nothing like the ocean fish we usually see though. Cassie barely wins by a second. I pop up out of the water beside her and playfully push her. "You cheater!"

She opens her mouth to respond, but I swiftly move my hand to cover her mouth. I hear the rustling of something moving on land. Cassie takes my hand off her mouth and we both scan the woods that surround us.

"Uhh.. Scott." I hear a guy's voice say and I move my gaze towards it only to see two land boys that look to be our age. Both of them are looking straight at us with wide eyes. Without a second thought I grab Cassie and we both swim away quickly.

Scott's pov
"I don't know man. I swear I dropped it right here," I tell Stiles looking for my jacket by a lake. We went camping a couple of nights ago before summer ends and I lost my jacket. I always lose something in the woods.

"Uhh... Scott," I hear Stiles say. I turn to look at him, hoping that he found my jacket only to see him pointing at the lake with a weird look on his face. My gaze lands on two mesmerizing girls that are in the lake, but then my jaw drops when I see them swim away. They have tails, like actual frickin fish tails.

"Please, tell me you just saw what I just saw," Stiles asks, waving his hands wildly towards the huge lake with disbelief written on his face. We both stare at the lake bug-eyed, not really sure what to do.

I nod my head hesitantly. "I saw it. Did you see where they went?"

"No." We look around the lake for a while to try and find them, but they were gone. I couldn't catch a scent or anything.

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