Nash Grier Imagine #1

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      Opening my y/c eyes to the world's most annoying sound ever... the alarm clock. "UGH! I don't want to get up, I just want to sleep!" I mumbled into my big fluffy pillow. I was then greeted by my little puppy Rocky who's only a year old and so adorable! As I was petting Rocky, my phone went off.. : New iMessage from - Da Bestie:). Oh that's my bet friend Jaelyn, who has been my best friend and sister since preschool when I took her lunchable pack for a trade of oreo cookies!

(text messages)

Da Bestie:)- morning y/nn

Y/N- hey boo, what's up?

Da Bestie:)- did u forget what today is?! The reason why I told u to set ur alarm??

Y/N- no? am I supposed to know?


Y/N-wait that's today?!! holy crap I gotta get up and get dressed! what time r u picking me up?

Da Bestie:)- well, its 8:55 am right now so I'll pick u up at 9:45 so we can grab a bite or some Starbucks if u want?

Y/N- man u know how to get me up and ready lol bribing me with Starbucks... HELL YES IM IN!! alright well I will text u when I'm done getting ready bye booo!!!

Da Bestie:)- aight love ya <3

I lock my iPhone 6 and take Rocky downstairs to feed him and make myself something to eat because I am STARVING in the morning, especially when I just wake up. I decided to eat some Lucky Charms because who doesn't love Lucky Charms?! I ate all my cereal and ran upstairs to get ready for the meet and greet. I took a shower last night so my hair isn't greasy and gross, and it's maintainable for today! I decided to straighten my long y/hc hair and pin my side bangs back with a white bow I got from Forever 21. I looked through my closet to see what I should wear but being a normal teenage girl I feel like I have NOTHING to wear!!! I picked out these black leggings and a crop top that says "Free Hugs" on it in blue ink, and on the back it says " and kisses too ;)".

After getting dressed, I wanted to do light makeup and make it look natural. I did a light concealer with some powder, then I did winged eyeliner and some mascara, to make my eyelashes look long. To finish it all off I put on some pink lip gloss.

New iMessage from Da Bestie:)

Da Bestie:)- I'm here! Open your door!! I brought u some Starbucks!!

I open my door to see Jaelyn holding 2 Frappuccino's, 1 with my name on it and 1 with her name on it. She smiles and hands me my drink and I grab my phone and we leave to the venue.


We walk out of the arena and start walking to the Meet and Greet line and a security guard comes up to us and says "Hello girls, may I see your passes?". We nod and hand him our passes and he scans them and smiles. After going through security which felt like hours we were finally near the boys. Looking behind us, nobody was there so I guess we were last? We smile at each other and fangirl a little... who am I kidding we were basically freaking out! The security guard calls "Next!" and we walk in with huge smiles on our faces. Jaelyn's favorite is Taylor so she ran up to him and hugged him and I walked up to Nash and he smiled and opened his arms for me to jump into!

"Hey beautiful, how are you?" Nash greeted me with his amazing smile.

"I'm good! I'm so happy to finally meet you! I love you so much!" I say smiling.

"Awe thanks babe! I love you too! Come let's take some selfies together!" He chuckles after he realized what he said and grabbed my hand and we took pictures together. As I stood up to say goodbye, I felt a piece of paper crinkle in my hand. He mouthed to me "Open it later''


I opened the paper and it read : Hey beautiful! I had a nice time meeting you today and I would love to do it again. Text me sometime... ***-***-**** -Nash

That night was filled with cute text messages and a bunch of facetime calls!

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