Chapter 8: Stay over Madoka's House

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"Madoka!" I shouted to get his attention. "Is there something wrong, (Y/N)?" Madoka asked. "Well, I can't catch my train home and my parents can't pick me up at the station. Could I go over to your house, just until my parents come and pick me up?" I asked him, hopefully hearing a yes from him. "Of course. My family welcomes anyone in our house." He said in a cheery mood. "Kyubey and I, thank you so much." I bowed to him. I looked at to see him with red checks. Oh, no! Did I embarrassment him again? "W-We should be going now. We don't want miss the train." Madoka said, grabbing my hand and dragging me to his platform. This is the first time that Madoka has hold my hand. He holds my hand, rather not tightly and he didn't gripped it. He holds my hand rather softly and easy to get out. I guess, Madoka don't want to be rough...I like that. 'Did I hear something about Madoka?' Kyubey said in a sly voice. Shut up! I shouted in his mind. "Is everything fine with Kyubey?" Madoka payed his attention to Kyubey, lying on my shoulder. "He's sleeping." 'Liar.' It looked at me with his creepy eyes. I replied with a giggle.

Once off the train, we walked to Madoka house, which wasn't a long walk. "Here we are." Madoka opened his front door, showing this beautiful house. "Madoka, your place is amazing!" I said in amazement. "Oh, who do we have here, Madoka?" Turning to the voice, I saw, what I think is, Madoka's mother. She doesn't actually look like Madoka. She was brown eyes and hair, instead of pink eyes and hair. The question is, who is this person? "Oh, hello mom." Looks like I was right the first time. "This is my new friend, (Y/N) (L/N)." He said. "Nice to meet you, Ms. Kaname." I bowed to her. Madoka informed her about the situation about me, staying over here until my parents come. Thankfully, she was fine with it and told us to relax in Madoka rooms. So we headed up to his room, which when entering, was the cutest room I ever seen. There was pink on the walls, stuff toys everywhere I looked and cute decoration. I won't expected a boy to have a room like this. 'This is Madoka we are talking about." Kyubey rudely added, going onto Madoka's bed.

"You should give a call, and see what's happening with your parents?" Suggested Madoka. Before I relax or do anything, I needed to see if my parents can pick me up. "Hi mom, it's (Y/N). I was wondering if you could pick me up from Sayaka house. Sadly I couldn't get a train home." I told her. "I'm sorry sweetly, I can't nor can your father pick you up." What? "You see, we're both attending this business dinner tonight. It will finish really late and you need your sleep, so we can't pick you put." Mom said. She should have told me early in this morning. "I than stay at Madoka house tonight. Well, I hope you enjoy your dinner tonight. Bye mom." I hung up the phone, turned to Madoka to tell him the news. "So are we getting picked up? Or we're staying with Madoka?" Kyubey asked me. I told both of them the situation with me staying over Madoka house, which in the end, his was fine with. "I just tell my mother. Be back in a second." He left the room. I went on to Madoka beds to have a little rest. Kyubey moved into my arms. It was like, Kyubey wanted to be a stuff animal.

"Get away from her, you copy!" Suddenly a white hair boy in a white uniform, looking round my age, grabbed Kyubey. I quickly get up to get back Kyubey, but I was too late. I saw him, squeezes Kyubey to death, causing blood to go on me, the boy and the room. I was filled with fear, seeing and feeling the blood going on to my skin. It was like, standing in the rain. The drop slowly and quickly going down your skin. The water, soaking into your clothes. It is horrifying. But, the scariest thing was, how the boys looked careless of what he had done. Soon, he looked directly at me, with his soulless eyes.

WH-Who the heck are you!? And, why the hell did you do that to Kyubey!?" I shouted nervously, trying to escape him. "I didn't want that copy to have you. My darling~." He said, coming all a sudden, closer to me. What the hell does he mean by darling?! He lifted up my chin, putting his lips on to mine. I moved away from him, but soon, I was pushed against Madoka's bed. I closed my eyes and turned my head, so I won't have to look at the psychopaths face. "Look at me!" I felt him, holding my face and turning it. I still kept my eyes closed. "Why aren't you looking at me?!" He took his other hand, and tried opening my eye. I soon saw the angry psychopaths face, with blood and sweat sliding down his face.

Since his hands were both off my arms, I escaped from him, but I couldn't. "Trying to run away from me? I put a still spell on your body. Also, if you try to call for help, you can't. I silence you, so you and I can have some alone time. My darling~." What the heck is with this pervert? I felt his smooth lips going up and down my neck. His lips came closer and closer to my lips. I need to, "MOVE!!!" I suddenly broken from his spells, and pushed him anyway. "You are strong than I thought." He said getting up. "Seen from your action. I'm guessing, you don't know who I am?" He said, wiping the blood off his face. I'm sorry, but did the looking terrified, running away and pushing him away give him a hint?! How idiotic is he?

"I see..." He said, clicking his fingers, making everything about to normal. "How did you-" "Shh..." He put his finger on my lips. "I'm going to make you forget about everything that just happen. For yours and my protection." He walked away from me and set up his fingers to click. "When we meet again, you remember me. Good bye, my darling." He clicked his fingers, making this white appeared out of nowhere. Once it was gone, I woke up. "That was a little nap." I looked to Kyubey, who was on the floor. I was feeling like I wanted to tell him something, but I forgot it. Maybe it come a bit later on.

"I'm back, and my mother said it is fine for you to stay. Also dinner will be soon, so you can have a bath or shower and get changed into some of my clothes, or someone else. I would prefer if you wear mine. Be-because th-they fit you." Madoka said, opening the door and nervously pointing at his drawer. I looked at him with a smile. "I-I'll help my mom with dinner, now! The bathroom is near my little sister room. See ya!" He said, leaving the door opened and running away with embarrassment all over his face. 'He so has a crush on you.' Kyubey said, heading to the drawers to judge me on what I'm wearing. He sure does. Anyway, I went to the drawer and picked out some clothes to wear. I kept hearing Kyubey judgement on each outfit, I wanted to put on. Finally, I choose these spot pajamas, and headed to bathroom. Once there, a bubble bath that smelt like (F/F), was prepared for me. This family is really sweet. Kyubey and I, jump in, with me slowly hitting the bottom, and Kyubey, floating on one of the towers of bubbles. After we clean each other, we both played with the bubbles. It was playing dress up, just with bubbles.

"(Y/N), it's time to eat." I heard Madoka said, from the outside. We both got out, dried off, got changed and went to Madoka's dining room. I came to the room, seeing Madoka, his little sister and his mother at the table, having (F/D). I sat next to Madoka, with Kyubey jumping on the table and sitting in the middle of us. I took a bite for the (F/D) and was shocked of the taste. "This is delicious! You and Madoka did a brilliant job." I said at Ms. Kaname and Madoka. "Thank you so much for the compliment." They both said, with a smile on their face. Soon, Madoka's sister kept saying, "Brilliant!" Looks like I taught his sibling a new word today.

After dinner, Madoka and I, decided to go to bed. On the way to his room, Madoka told me, "We'll be sharing a bed. If you don't mind?" "I really didn't mind, along as I get some sleep. I'll be fine." I said to him. We went into his room, with me and Kyubey, laying on his bed. We looked away from Madoka, so he could change, without someone watching him. "All done." He turned off the lights and joined us in bed, by covering us with the sheets. "Good night everyone." I said, slowly going into sleep mode. "Good night, (Y/N)." Madoka and Kyubey said. I hope, me and Madoka are having beautiful dream with each other.

"(Y/N)!" Huh?

"(Y/N)!" Is that Kyubey? I opened my eye to see Kyubey next to me, but not Madoka. "Kyubey!" I whispered, getting up. "Where's Madoka?" Kyubey pointed at the open door. I quietly walked out of the room, seeing the dining room light still on. 'Be careful!' I nodded back a Kyubey. I slowly went closer and closer to the room. I hiding behind one walls near the room, hearing voice, with one sounding familiar to Madoka. "Dad..."That's definitely Madoka, but why is he talking to his dad this late. "What is it, Madoka?" That must be his dads voice, meaning he's safe. I went back to his room, until, "What if there a person you met yesterday and you already have a crush on them." Is he talking about me? "But there is someone who is trying to take them away from you." The only person I can think of who will do that is Sayaka. "Well, I try my best to get the girl, by being myself. For you, being yourself is being kind and sweet. The kind ones always win." His dad is totally right. If he loves me, he should be himself. I'm not like those girls, who like people for their, well maybe, if we are including some anime characters. Back to this! I'm in to people who be there self's, not someone fake.

'I see everything is fine?' I look down, finding Kyubey in front of my feet. Yeah. Everything is fine. 'That's good..." Kyubey fell onto the ground, but I catch it before he touched the ground. I worried if Kyubey got hurt really badly by Homura when I was gone or asleep, but I was wrong. Kyubey was just sleepy, same with me. I hold Kyubey in my arm and quietly head back to Madoka's room, with one message. Madoka, if you can hear me, you're doing a great job at being yourself, and I like it. Please don't stop being you. Good night, Madoka. From (Y/N).

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