Chapter 6: Go to Mami house-Madoka and Sayaka

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 (Y/N) POV

After Mami saved all of us from this nightmare world, Kyubey ask the three of us "do you three want to make contract with me to me a puella magi?" Could this been the same contract that was mention in my dreams? The three of us had confuse faces. "Maybe our friend can help me explain what a puella magi is?" Mami said, turning his head and looking at the shadows. Who's this friend he speaks of? Suddenly someone came out of the shadows. It was Homura, wearing his puella magi uniform. We all went into a fighting position in case he was about to hurt Kyubey, but he just stood there still and looking at me and Madoka. "You still have a chance to live a happy life. But for you Mami, that chance is gone for you." Homura said, walking away from us and heading back into the shadows. "What did he mean by that?" I asked. "Whatever it is, I'm happy he's gone" Sayaka said with him hugging me and Madoka. "Looks like I'm explaining everything." Mami said, transforming back to the school uniform. "(Y/N), Madoka and Sayaka. Would you three join me for afternoon tea? Its better there to explain everything than this creepy place. Don't you agree?" He said. We I nodded.

We headed off to Mami house but there was two things bothering me. The first being, what Homura said about the chance to have a happy and that Mami was gone. The other being, how can no one see Kyubey and how are the boys dealing with it walking around? Can the four of us only see it or is everyone ignore the fact there's a white cat thing walking around. We arrived at Mami house which was a small apartment. Before Mami opened the door, he told us "I live alone, so please relax." Maybe that's why Kyubey is with him, so he doesn't feel alone. I should stay over one night. We get in to find this adorable room. "This place is amazing." Sayaka says, dropping are bags and taking off out shoes. "Take a seat at the coffee table, I'll bring food and is everyone fine with having tea?" Mami asked heading into the kitchen. We nodded and took a seat at the coffee table. Mami came back to us, giving us all a slice of cheese cake and tea. "Wow! This taste great." Madoka said. "It's delicious." I said, taking a bite of a sweet cheese cake and having a sip of tasty tea. "Thank you but I would have done a better job if I was prepare to have guest." He said. Does he mean he can make more delicious treats! I'm so coming here again.

"Now, Let me explain what a puella magi is." he said with that yellow egg appearing from his hand. "This egg you see here is a soul gem. The gem is the source of power for puella magi. The gems are created when a boy or in your case (Y/N), a girl is chosen by Kyubey to make a contract." "The people who have made contract with me now have the mission of fighting witches but there is a cost. The cost is, I grant you a single wish!" Kyubey added. "Wait we can make any wish we want like being rich or having eternal youth!" Sayaka yelled, jumping with shocked. "Really anything you want, I can grant." Kyubey said. "That sounds wonderful" Madoka says. "But what are these witches?" I asked. "A puella magi are those who scatter hope but witches are the opposite. They spread despair to all." Kyubey said. "A witch is a curse that is caused by unexplained suicides and murder that happen in our world. They hide themselves in labyrinth ((A/N: If that's the wrong name, please tell the right name)). There like the one you three wandered in. Thankfully I came to save you three." Mami said, holding the gem close to these chest. "Are all the fights have such scary thing?" Madoka asked, nervously. "Sadly yes. The three of you should carefully consider if you want to make a contract." Mami replied.

"Mami, is Homura like a puella magi as well?" Madoka asked. "He seems to be a puella magi like me. He does have the outfit but it looks like he has quite a lot of strong magical powers." Mami replied. "So you guys are allies of justices, then why did Homura almost attack (Y/N)?" Sayaka ask, taking a sip of his tea. "His target wasn't her, it was me. He's preventing me from creating more puella magi." Kyubey said. "Wait don't puella magi get along with each other?" Madoka said. "You see, there are rewards after defeating a witch." Mami said, taking out of these pocket, this weird black egg. "This is called a grief seed and this is the reward after every battle." He puts his soul gem next to the grief seed. "See how my soul gem is cloudy. Watch this." He said, putting the seed on top of the gem. The seed made the gem all clear! "What just happen?" Sayaka asked. "The grief seed health our gem or take the evil from it. This is why all puella magi fight over them." Mami said, taking a bite of his cake. Maybe that black stuff was our soul gems becoming grief seed in the nightmare. "So, we fight off witches and other puella magi?" Sayaka asked with Mami nodding. So I guess Homura is our enemy now.

"You know (Y/N), what Mami has mention is like the stuff that happen in your nightmare" Sayaka said. "You mean the one you mention at the fast food place?" Madoka asked. I nodded in response. Sayaka is right though. I should tell them than keeping it hidden. I told Madoka and Mami the whole thing. I mention about how Mami had these monster on his neck, Madoka giving me an evil grin with black stuff covering us and how the huge lady which I now know is a witch.

After hearing about my nightmare, Madoka and Mami looked scared. "Well it's good that you told us,before you three make your contracts" Mami said. "We should try to prevent any of those things from happening in real life." Sayaka says, looking at me and lift up his pinky. "Your right Sayaka, let's try our best to prevent anything happening from." Mami said. "Maybe that's what Homura was doing?" Madoka asked. "Madoka does bring a good point." I said. "I guess, but he was doing it the wrong way." Kyubey said, talking about Homura trying to kill him. "Maybe we should ask him tomorrow?" Sayaka suggested. Suddenly my phone began my Attack on Titan ringtone. I check my phone to see my mom is calling me. "Sorry guys, I need to take this" I said, answering my phone. "Hi mom-"SWEETY, WHERE ARE YOU!" she shouted in my ears. "I'm at a friend's house, having afternoon tea." I said, taking a small bite of cake. "Well you need to hurry because the last train is coming soon!" She said. "THE LAST TRAIN!" I shouted, quickly grabbing my thing. "Ok, see you soon mom!" I hang up and rusted to the door. "Sorry guys, I would love to stay but my train is coming soon. See you Madoka and Sayaka at class tomorrow. We should do this again. Farewell." I said quickly, closing the door and running to the station.

I arrived at the station and hopped on my train before it left. I took a seat and tried to catch my breath. Note to self, keep an eye on time and train time. I put my headphones on and listen to outer science and shounen brave. The train stop at my station with me getting out of the train. I started to walk home, thankfully not in the dark but I soon notice Homura was in front of me and heading the same direction as me. He must live near me. I kept my distance from him, so he wouldn't notice me. Reaching my house, I quickly get in. My family welcoming me back and telling me "Dinner will be in 5 minutes." I head to my room, getting changed into some cute clothes. "Those are very cute clothes, (Y/N)." Thanks me-wait that wasn't my voice. I turn around to find Kyubey coming out of my bag. "Wh-wh-what are you doing here and how did you get here?" I ask it. "When you were leaving, you accidentally grabbed me and stuff me in your bag." it said, going on my bed. Crap, I hope Mami is fine without Kyubey. 'He be fine.' Thanks Kyubey-did you just read my mind. 'Yes he did and I'll be fine (Y/N).' Mami said. Now Mami can read my mind. 'People who I choose to be puella magi can talk through each other mind.' Kyubey said. Maybe you should have said that a bit early on. 'We sadly forgot' Mami said. I wonder if Sayaka and Madoka can also do this. 'Sadly both are to faraway for me to contact. I do it tomorrow when their closer to me' Kyubey said.

"Dinner is ready." I heard my mom said. Well looks like I need to go so talk to you later Mami. 'Good bye Ms. (L/N)' he said. I head down with Kyubey joining me. Once at the table, we all began to eat and talk about our days with no one noticing Kyubey having some of my dinner. I guess the ones you choose to see you. He nodded back at me. Once done, I head to have a slower but with the feeling someone was watching me. It must just be Kyubey. After that I head to bed, where I read a bit of vampire knight with me and Kyubey talking about soon Mami joined in. Soon Mami said his good byes and went to bed. Kyubey as well, sleeping right next to me like a cat. I gave it a pat on the head with it purring like a cat. Soon I decided to go to bed, early this time. What an odd first day of school.

Go to School-Sayaka and Madoka

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