Chapter 9: Head to school with Sayaka

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The sun had risen again, meaning another new day, another day of school, but with a twist. The twist being that I had slept with Sayaka, where we were hugging each other, and I got to say it was beautiful. Wait! More than beautiful. It was magnificent. The reason why is that I got to see a cuter side of Sayaka that I haven't seen. So I stared at his cute and sleepy face thinking that this side might be the real Sayaka? If that's true, I wouldn't mind seeing this side more often than his joking side. I think then he would be a cuter guy. Maybe even cuter than he already is now. AHHHH!! Why is he so cute!

'Please stop talking about how you like Sayaka?!' I soon hear a familiar voice, yelling. I look to where the voice is coming from and find Kyubey sitting up at the of the bed. "Good-WAIT! I never said I love Sayaka?!" I said, quickly getting up with Sayaka still hugging me. 'Of course, you like him. You kept mentioning in your sleep. It all most gave me a headache.' Kyubey rubbed his head. Since when do I talk in my sleep? 'You also mention making a contract with this guy named Sebastian? Should I worry about this man taking you and all the other magical boys?' Kyubey shouldn't worry about it because this is real life, not the anime school life. But if he was real? I wouldn't mind making a contract with a tall, sexy and devilish man, or one hell of a butler. 'Tall, sexy and devilish, huh? I can do that.' Kyubey said that in a quiet and odd tone of voice. What does he mean by that? He might be talking about that weird guy who came out of nowhere last night, but Kyubey wouldn't have seen him. That boy did put a spell on me that I can only see and hear him. Kyubey can't be talking about him. Then what did he mean by repeating those words?

I suddenly hear my phone go off with the (F/S) playing. I recognize that my alarm is going off. 'Oh forgot to mention. Your phone has been doing that for an hour now.' He goes to the phone and stares at it. It said, "Time to wake up!!!" in all caps.' I guess that means, time to go-Wait, did he said my alarm has been ringing for an hour? What's the time?! 'It's 8 o'clock,' Kyubey said. 'Hey, doesn't school start in an hour?' S*** F***! I am not getting a detention on my first week of school! "Sayaka, wake up!" I shouted at him, taking his arms off of me. "(Y/N), could you be a bit quieter?" Sayaka had woke up, but it seems he's still in sleepy mode. "I would be if we won't going to be late for school!" I soon grab the sheets. "Now, wake up and get ready fast!" I pull off the sheets from Sayaka, making him fall onto the floor. "What the hell, (Y/N)-" I interrupt him by throwing his school uniform in his face. "Shut up and get change!" I shouted at him and quickly putting my clothes on which felt odd and loose? I realized I was wearing all of Sayaka clothes, including his underwear. But to be honest, his clothes feel more comfortable than mine. "Sayaka, we need to-" I was frozen still when seeing Sayaka, wearing my bra! "So this is the feeling of wearing a bra?" He starts to touch it and soon squeeze it. "I never knew you had big-" he stopped talking after he said my pissed off face. For his good, he shouldn't finish that sentence. "What I meant to say was, here're your clothes." Handing me back my clothes and I gave his back as well. "What are a mess you two are." Kyubey had commented on us and up onto my shoulder. So after that situation, we had decided to have breakfast at a department store or if we had enough time, the cafe at the station near the school.

We left Sayaka's place and headed to the train station. "We can take a shortcut to get to school earlier," Sayaka said, heading in different direction. "Couldn't we take this shortcut yesterday?" I asked, following him through the narrows lanes. 'He must have forgotten' Kyubey said, with Sayaka nodding in response. I guess I can forgive. Yesterday was a big day because the whole thing with going into the witches labyrinth. Man, going in there was horrible. "It was terrifying," Sayaka said, making me realize that we are in the long exit. I was confused about how we were talking Sayaka shortcut, and now we in the long exit? I look at Sayaka confused and lost. He turns around, looking at me with a smile. "You must have zoned out," he said, coming closer to me. "You need to pay close attention." He patted me on the head. I smiled and let out a small giggle in responses. "But, back to what I was saying." His tone went from happy to sad. "The labyrinth is a horrible place to be with the terrifying backdrops, monsters, and of course the witches. But I think we will get used to it when you and I are puella magi. Because when I am with you, I don't feel scared." He came closer to me, grabbing my hand, and making me blush. Well If Mami doesn't seem to get scared when going into labyrinths and I feel safe when I was with him. Maybe he's right."It might take longer for Madoka and (Y/N) to get used to the labyrinths," Kyubey said. I stared at Kyubey with a mean look. "He was only joking, (Y/N)," Sayaka said, patting my head again. "I think you a brave woman, who's not scared of anything." Hearing that made my heart beat quickly. "T-Thank you, Sayaka. Your pretty brave yourself." I compliment him with his cheeks going a bit red.

Magica Love (Male!Madoka Magica x Reader)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα