Chapter 3: Go To The Cafe

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I decided to go to my (Favorite/Cafe/Name) because it's better than going into a crowd and bumping into everyone, or going to the long exit and getting lost. I walk into the cafe and order (F/D) and wait near the door. While waiting, I hear someone saying "Could you please move." Behind me. I step forward to let them go through. I turn to say "Oh sorry about that", but when I saw the person it was that boy with short black hair and a black headband, who was falling to his death in the nightmare. I froze with him staring down at me with his dark purple eyes. "Are you o-?" I interrupted him saying "Homura." He was shocked after hearing me say that.

We both just stand there looking shocked at each other until I hear "(Y/N) your (F/D) is really." I go to grab it with my right arm, but Homura grabs my left arm and pulls me close to him. "Grab your drink and follow me with no questions. I need to chat with you in private." He whispered in my ear and let go of me. After grabbing my drink and leaving the cafe, I followed Horuma to the long exit. Once we reached what looks like a park, Homura stopped and started to look around, saying "No site of those three boys. They must of head to school." He turned to, looking very determined. "Alright you and I can have our chat with no interruptions, hopefully." What is with guy? He is so mysterious and weird that it kind of scares me. I'll try and runway from him by saying "Homura we really need to-" "How do you know my name? And I want the truth so don't lie!" He interrupted with a question that I must answer truthfully.

How can I tell him that I know his name from my dream, I be a weirdo. "What's your answer?" He demanded with his eyes locked on to me. "I know your name from a dream I had last night." I said to him in a scared tone. Can't believe I just said that, stupid. "What happen in the dream?" He said, wait he wants to know? "Well, in my dream I saw the world ending with a huge woman is the middle. I was standing in a hallway with two exit. One Door had a boy named Madoka and the other had three terrifying boys. I chose the one with Madoka thinking it was safe, but I was wrong. There was a creepy stuff animal that mention something about a contract. Soon I was cover with a light, same with Madoka, but his was pink. I hear you screaming my name while you were-" "Falling to my death." He interrupted me again in a sad tone. "How did you know that?" I said curiously. He didn't say any, just look down at the ground with a sad face.

He turned away from me and started to walk off. "Hey, I answer your question so why won't you answer mine!" I shouted with him stopping. "I'll answer yours at lunch in a private area. But for now, we should head to staff room quickly or we got trouble on my first day with sensei Saotome and finally, you should finish off your drink." He said. So he's also a new student and he's in the same class as me! Finishing off my drink, I following him to school.

Both of us went to the staff room and wait in front if it for our sensei. When door open, I noticed who was coming. "Sensei Saotmoe!" She turn to us. "Oh, Homura and (Y/N), for a min there I thought you two wouldn't come today. Anyway the three of us should head to class now." While walking to class, I or Homura didn't ask each anymore questions. We reach our class, we went inside and both introduce yourself with everyone staring at us. Sensei told both of us to go to our desk. Walking to my desk, I noticed two other boys from the nightmare. The boy blue haired, without monsters covering him, no soulless eyes and no crown on his head, and the pink haired one which if I remember is named Madoka and the one who trick me.

I sit in my class room wondering about the question I asked Horuma, the two boys, who may or may not know the answers to my question about my dream and also where could the fourth and fifth boy could be? I need to wait until lunch time, then maybe everything would make sense, probably.

Have Lunch with Homura

Magica Love (Male!Madoka Magica x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now