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Hello my Guardians! Its me, Grace.

It has been very long, huh. A year? Maybe? Its been quite a while since I've been active on wattpad (I'm starting again? Ish?) and even longer since I've updated this book, Elemental Burst.

Now, I know that there are many of you screaming, where have you been Grace and what happened and are you continuing Elemental Burst I have so many questions. Yes. I have read your comments. Although albeit too late. I've responded to a few recent ones and I am honestly too afraid to answer the ones that are really old.


Today, I have finally decided that I really owe an explanation to my Guardians and I will start by answering your many questions.

Well, this will be interesting at least.


Question 1: Are you continuing Elemental Burst?

Well, the answer is yes.

And no.

Basically, this whole year has been a series of I can't bear to see the plot holes in EB and it burns my eyes and I need to rewrite EVERYTHING with regards to anything doing with Elemental Burst. I was, and still am, dissatisfied with the plot of Elemental Burst and with where it was going. I couldn't seem to connect with my characters and I really hated to see the many holes and writing faults that I wrote about when I was 13.

I have seemed to lose interest in the current plot of EB and just couldn't write about it.

Which was a pity, because I really loved the whole concept of Firstborns and magic and it's still been revolving in my head.

There are so many new characters, an example would be Kai Brisbane (he's Crystal's brother who I originally planned to introduce in book 2). And he, and the rest of the new (and old) characters are the main reason why, although I have lost interest in the current EB, I am still deciding to stick with it. Because I have many, many new characters and new ideas and new stories and new worlds I want to share with you guys.

I still love the concept of Elemental Burst, I still love the characters in Elemental Burst, and I still want to share the story of Elemental Burst with y'all.

So I have decided to rewrite it.

Yes. Rewrite it.

Scratch the whole story from the top, reinvent the whole plot (properly, instead of just seeing where it goes) and give my characters new quirks, new characteristics and new personality and new life, basically.

And honestly, this is a decision that both scares and excites me. I have no idea what Elemental Burst will bring, what it will become. I have no idea what you guys think of this, how this will play out.

I do not know. But I am excited to find out.

Question 2: Where have you been/ why have you not been updating?

Ahahaha, okay. Technically, none of you guys have asked this but I thought that y'all deserve to know.

I have not died. Obviously.

Honestly, this year has been quite a busy year. New roles to take up in school, new subjects to wrestle, new exams to handle. I have been 'living life' I guess.

Now, y'all are probably asking why I've gone cold turkey on writing. I'll have you know that I've actually written a bunch of stuff, fan fiction and drabbles and one-shots, but not much for my original books. I've tried to write the first chapter of 'Loving Her' (my other book) but it failed miserably.

And as you've read above, I kinda lost interest in the current EB and that is also part of the reason why I have not been updating.

Question 3: When are you planning to update/write again?

I hope I can get into the swing of writing/plotting again next year, amidst the whole chaos of my last year in secondary school, where I have to sit for this huge national exam we have in Singapore called the GCE O'levels examination.

I might be concentrating on that very important national exam next year, but I will try my very best to plot for Elemental Burst and write my other books.

I'll try. No guarantees.

(Ps. I have a new book idea so maybe get ready for that?)


(Update: 30 December 2015 , 2:50am—

Sorry! I forgot to add this in yesterday. In case y'all didn't notice, I changed my username! Yay! I think.

Yep. I was Heavens_silverfate and now I am anothergrxce. I hope I didn't give you guys too horrible a fright. Its just that I've been wanting to standardise my usernames and I've been using/liking anothergrxce for awhile now, so I decided to change my wattpad username too.

Yep, just wanted you guys to know <3)


And that is it! I think.

If you have any more questions/comments you can write them down in the comments section below. I'll try my best to answer all of them.

Thanks to all the Guardians who wrote such nice comments and thank you all so much for being so patient with me. I know I'm not the best author but I will try my very best to improve my writing for you guys ;)

Goodbye to y'all, and have a lovely New Year!

-For a Guardian fierce and true-

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2015 ⏰

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