Chapter 1- I play with pond water.

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  • Dedicated to my amazing friends, who have encouraged me through this journey

Chapter 1- I play with pond water


Crystal's POV

I was having a wonderful, dreamless sleep when the alarm clock woke me up.

Now, you must be thinking, how cliché, but that is how it is. I woke up by the alarm clock. What else do you want me to say?

Oh, right. I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Crystal. Crystal Brisbane. I'm the head of the Brisbane household, since both my parents are overseas working.

You see, my father is the boss of a huge electronics company called FLECT, and my mother is a famous lawyer. They both don't have time for their children, and as oldest child, I am 'responsible' for running this household. Usually, I just let my siblings do whatever they want. I do what I want, they do what they want.

Speaking of doing what I want, all I want to do right now is to continue to curl up on my comfortable bed and sleep. But no, I can't, because there's school today.

I sighed, getting out of bed and got ready. School's a horror for me, and you'll see why very soon.

I ran out of my house's door, with a piece of bread in one hand and my bag in the other. Munching on the bread, I slung my bag across my shoulder and hurried towards the school.



I hurried down the stairs, the same as most of my classmates. As it was lunch now, they were probably going to the cafeteria.

I headed in the opposite direction- towards the pond. There was a big pond area where they kept different types of fishes. Sitting at the edge of the pond, and hearing the sound of gushing water, I felt more peaceful, the anger in me fading away.

Why was I angry? Well, a group of obnoxious girls- actually the group of girls that were once my friends- were picking on me, calling me names.

I know, I know, it isn't really much to be angry about. But i've been enduring this for 6 months (not including the holidays), and my patience is wavering.

A noise beside me shook me out of my thoughts. Ah, Kate. Kate has been the only friend that stood by me even after my birthday passed. I used to be very popular, because I was a first-born. Then, people deserted me when my birthday passed and still no powers. Kate has been the only one left.

"Hey Crystal! Not going to eat lunch?" Kate said perkily, her ponytail swinging back and forth, as she sat next to me.

"Nope. Im not hungry"

She studied my reaction carefully, sensing my unhappiness. Then she sighed. "Bully problems?"

Kate knew me too well.

I nodded my head slowly.

"Hey. It'll work out, somehow." She said tentatively, putting a hand on my shoulder.

Somehow, I doubt that statement.

"Well. Look who's here. Little miss no-powers." A new voice arose, sounding pretty bitchy.

Them. The cause of my anger. Calypso and her gang.

"Hey! Don't provoke her, Calypso!" Kate stood up, glaring at the said person.

"I can say whatever I want, little katey." Calypso's facial features was turned into a sneer, directed at me.

The two started bickering, and I caught a few nasty words which would cause detention if heard by any teachers.

It was Calypso speaking now. "-your little friend there will never find her powers! And neither will you! So you both can go rot in hell!"

That was new.

You see, Kate is also a first-born. But she is 14 this year, one year younger than me. Of course, she have'nt discovered her powers yet. She wanted to be a healer, and had the makings of a healer too. To say that she'll share the same fate as me is too horrible.

A fresh new wave of anger roared in my ears. Standing up abruptly, I shouted, "Hey! Leave Kate out of this too!"

Sensing my anger, Calypso smirked. "What, is Crystal angry? I bet both of you will never ever find your powers. Its a fact!" Her friends laughed in harmony behind her.

Something in my mind snapped.

Up 'till now, I still have no idea how or what happened.

Adrenaline pumped through my veins. Pond water behind me erupted, shooting up at least 3 metres into the air. It created a mini hurricane, and swept in Calypso and her gang. They shrieked like little girls as the water covered them.

The hurricane churned around them for about 3 minutes before spitting them out onto a pile of dirt nearby . Calypso and her gang were drenched from head to toe, spluttering pond water.

The water crashed back into the pond area.

I was starting to feel very dizzy. My legs buckled. My throat felt sore. Strength was quickly leaving my limbs. Putting my hands to my temples, I started to massage them weakly.

Kate was looking at me with her mouth hanging open. "H-how? Wait. There was the hurricane, and the water and....Crystal? Crystal! Are you okay?"

I did not hear her, as I was passed out on the cold hard concrete floor.



Hi! Its done! Finally finished the first chapter. Please support me! Urgh, I sound like a commercial, don't I?

- For a Guardian fierce and true -

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