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okay, so I've been workign on the sequel for Ashes for a while now, and I've quite a bit written down, but I warn you, don't contunue reading unless you've read Ashes, becasue things are bound to get a little more confusing from this point on and another warning: this is a very rough draft, so there may be (and probably will be a lot of typos and confusing errors and plotholes), but please bear with me ^_^  I'm trying my best to still write with school goign on

And for all the support I've recieved up till now, I wanted to say I'm very greatful for it and that it makes me extremely happy to know people are taking their time to read my story ^^

A few things you can expect though are... new characters, and more of the old ones :)  I hope you enjoy reading my stories as much as I enjoy writing them, and votes and comments are much appreciated

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