Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter Eighteen

            “If you’re using your Projector, then of course things won’t reverse themselves with you not here in person!” Lily waved a tiny fist up at the tall man with red--almost maroon--colored hair, his long pointy chin and his narrowed, yellowish hawk like eyes looked down upon them.

            “I’ve taught you well Lily,” Albus gave her one of his rare smiles, his hologram leaning forward as if to pat her on the head, and although she felt nothing, she smiled.  “I was wondering where you were.”

            “Well, I was trying to bring you some information, but some loud little thing came screaming after me, making me stop!” Avery spoke up, suspiciously eying Lily and Sture.

            “I’m not lit-” Lily started, but was stopped by a warm hand on her shoulder.  She craned her neck to see the hand belonged to Graves.

            “Can we stop arguing for a moment?” Albus asked, pulling his long, maroon mantle coat around him, its fabric looking soft and comfortably, albeit a little old fashioned realm he was in.  “Yes?  Good,” he nodded, pulling a pair od thin spectacles from some pocket and flipping them open with one practiced gesture, balancing them carefully upon his nose as he looked down at them.

            “Does this information have anything to do with your cousin or your sister?” Albus asked.

            “In a way, yes,” Avery nodded thoughtfully.  “I believe I found the right house, you know, the one you were looking for.”

            “Is it by any chance Mull’s place?” Rafael spoke up.

            “You know of it?” Albus asked, pushing his silver rimmed glasses up his nose.

            “I’ve heard rumors of disappearances near there,” Rafael said, loosening the tie of his uniform so he could unbutton a few more of his buttons, a thin layer of sweat forming on his brows.  “And so has Rainer,” he added cheerfully.

            “I heard there have been four people missing in the area,” Rainer said.  “Three boys and a girl,” he added.

            “You think that’s the place as well?” Albus asked, a knowing smirk on his lips.

            “You tell me,” Graves spoke up, smiling softly when Lily reached out to take his hand.

            “Well, I am fairly sure this is the place where Alice and your cousin fled to with Lewis Latowidge and James Arthur Charles Liddell, among a few other of her relatives, and Darjius especially.”

            “So you’re saying if we go in there we’ll fid Alice?” Sture asked.

            “And we’ll find Marisol!” Avery exclaimed.  “Remember her Likkle Rill?”

            “Avery!” Lily yelled.

            “Lily!  Avery!” Rainer spoke up sternly.

            “Rainer?” Avery called.

            “Rainer!” Graves exclaimed.

            “Graves!” Sture snapped.

            “Avery!” Albus raised his voice over the noise.

            “RAPH!” Rafael screamed, being the loudest of them all, making all go silent to stare at him.

            “What?  Nobody was saying my name, and usually you all blame me, so I was saving you the trouble of blaming me!” Rafael shrugged it off.

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