CHAPTER 9 : Denial And Sobbing

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After telling me what I was, who I was, Troye left me, not really because he had a choice, I wouldn't even utter a word to him, I couldn't eveb think straight, all I could really think or say was, 'Caster'. It didn't make sense, I couldn't do magic, I couldn't control things or make anything happen out of seeming thin air. Nonsense.

So, I did what any sane person did, I grabbed the gloves and took the book into my gloved hands, mumbling to myself about nonsense while my conscious seemed to whisper 'denial', to me. I went up stairs and locked my room, it was Saturday morning, like, 3:25am. I ran a hand through my hair.

"A block, in my mind? Nonsense. "I muttered as I got out a clean white canvas, I couldn't even think, I wasn't even aware of myself setting up for a painting.

"As if, completely unnecessary, not happening, nope, never." I said as I dabbed the paint brush into a soft blue and allowed my arms to flex as I glided the brush over the white canvas. I began to pain, losing myself in the art which always saved me, made me feel better, allowed me to think without thinking. "A Caster," I shook my head as I slide the brush in a curve. "Not me, nu-uh, mabye his crazy mother, but not me."

I added detail, I was painting without sight or a sense of direction, I just allowed my hand to draw what felt right at the moment, anything which would be beautiful and bring a smile to my face. I noticed golden blonde hair and bright blue eyes before looking away when I finished. I held my hips and stared at rhe ground.

"I hate them just as much as you, " the voice of my mother echoed inside my ear and I bit my lip. I walked to my bedside table, my phone which I had found with Cody the other day was laying there, innocently waiting for me to pick it up. I did, dialed his number and held it to my ear.

"Ezra, thank God, I was so worried when you guys hung up, I haven't slept since." He said in a rush, I pulled the phone away to see that it was already 6:08am. I pulled the phone back to my ear and wondered how much he knew, if he even knew about this whole Caster nonsense, or not.

"Yeah, sorry about that. Troye can be...ugh. "I said with a small smile as he laughed lightly." So, what are you doing? "I asked him as I toed the floor.

"Nothing, been sitting here worrying my little ass off," I smiled. "Are you sure you're ok?" I nodded even though he couldn't see me.

"Yeah, he's a bit crazy, he thinks wizards exist. "He went silent, not even a chuckle as I laughed." You don't honestly believe him, do you? "I asked worried.

"Ezra, I don't think you sho-"

"No, they don't exist! They can't, if they do then..."

"Then so do you, "my brows furrowed." You exist right? What can't it? "I squeezed my eyes shut. I called him because I wanted reassurance, I wanted to know that, Troye was insane, needed help even, instead he only makes it harder for me not to think about it.

"Cody," I sigh as the image of a young me, caught up in flames. "I can't..." I trailed off and turned. My eyes landed on the canvas of swirling colour. I swallowed as I finally recognised the image, it was Cody smiling widely, his eyes big and bright, it was doubled as there was a wolf, but not just any wolf, the same wolf in which I had made into a friend. I had painted the two creatures which meant the most to me.

"Just...give it time, try to do a spell or something before you over think things to a point of insanity. "He said almost sadly.

"I will." I whispered.

"Are we still going to the lake later today? "He asked and as much as I didn't want to disappoint him, I couldn't see him in this state of mind, I couldn't do that to him.

"I'm sorry, but, I need time." I went over to the painting and stared. "You guys are welcome to go on without me."

"Ok, "he said but didn't hang up, instead he stayed on the line, listening to my breathing as I listened to his, how did I know, because I had asked if he was there and he said he was listening to the sound of ky breathing, he wanted to stay until I went to sleep or hung up. He was the sweetest even from a far.

---- ----


Tears brimmed my eyes as I ran out of my own room to the rowdy outdoors. I ran over to my father who stood strong and proud, laughing as the little wolf pups surrounded him. He looked over to me and saw the strsy tear which refused to stay at bay. I clashed with his huge frame and buried my face in hia chest as he held me.

"Shh, it's okay, "He cooed into my ear. I knew everyone was watching, the Alpha's son was crying, I could feel their anger and need to know rolling off of them, and because I was an Omega, they wouldn't tolerate even the sight of a frown on my face." Tell the what happened. "He asked.

"He won't acceot me, Daddy, he won't, I know he won't." I sobbed painfully into his chest. The thoughts hadn't stopped since he said it, that wizards don't exist, if he couldn't accept that, there was no way he would accept any form of supernatural being, even me.

"Oh, Cody, my dear sweet Cody. "

"He said it, daddy, he did." He ran his hand through my hair.

"What did he say, baby? "I felt the soft calming touch of my mother on my back and I moved from my daddy to her, cuddling into her chest.

"He-He said wizards don't exist, daddy, he's a Caster, just like Mia, I knew he just might be, he just hadn't awaken fully yet but either way, he's in denial, so, he won accept me, how could he when even the thought of him doing magic freaks him out, makes him feel like a freak, makes him believe it's insanity, he'll think I'm insane! " I said in a rush, my eyss filling with more tears.

"The first step to acceptance is denial, is it not?" My mother said, "Don't be so quick to assume, baby, half the time you end up hurting yourself unnecessarily. Give it time, he will accept himself and when he does, he will accept you too." She kissed my cheek and I sniffed.

"Really? What if he doesn't? "

"It will be his lose," she huffed.

"And I will just have to convince him. "I looked over at William who smiled as the pack yelled 'yeah'  after him as if they too would help in the convincing. I chuckled and wiped my eyes, riding myself of the tears.

"Yeah, you're right, besides, I wouldn't let him not accept me, he is mine," I said and they cooed at how cute I sounded making me pout. "Stop it, I'm all man." I puffed out my chest and they laughed, my brother falling to the floor. I stood and huffed, heading for the woods.

"Where do you think you are going? "My father questioned. I stopped abd swallowed.

"For...a walk, into the woods, I'll be back."  He narrowed his eyes at me.

"Cody, you would have to take two guards with you. "I whined.

"But, daddy!"

"Nope, not happening. "I stomped my foot.

"Fine! Good night then." I said childishly, knowing I would sneak out to go see Ezra anyway.

"Good night, Cody! "The pack sang out to me, I walked by a group of three Omega's who giggled sweetly. I stuck my tongue put at them and they giggled some more. I went to my room and thought about Ezra and as I did, fate seemed to favour me as my phone beeps.

Would I be able to see you? I'll come over if you can't come here.

My heart stopped be for staring up again.

"Daddy! "I was over flowing with happiness as I stare at the message. My father fell into the room.

"What!?" I shoved the phone in his face and bounced around from foot to foot.

"No, "my face fell.

"B-but," I stammered. My wolf whimpered and whined.

"He should come here. I'll go get him. "I paled as as assessed his sneaky smile and large stance. Oh, why had I been born the Alpha's son?

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