CHAPTER 11 : Accepting Me

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"And then there was a spider, it was huge, like really really huge, I screamed and my dad came flying into the kitchen with me on the counter. I couldn't stop screaming, it was so creepy. " I laughed at Cody, his face was a picture of exaggeration and it was adorable, the way his eyes had widened and how he leaned closer with every word he emphasised." Ezra! "he threw his hands into the air with a pout," this is serious, spiders can kill! "His eyes were wide and serious as he grabbed onto my bicep. I tried to control my laughter and nodded in agreement

"I believe you, I do." I reassured and he gave a huff.

"You better, you could save lives with this information, don't say I didn't warn you. "He humphed and got off the bed, I caught a small smile on his face as he walked over to his door.

"What are you doing?" I asked suspiciously as he bent down to his key hole to peak into it. He stood up at my question and pressed his back to his door.

"Shhh! They are listening! "My brows furrowed as I got off the bed and walking towards his bed.

"Who is?" His eyes were wide as he motioned for me to look through the key hole. I did and saw nothing.

"The pirate ninja's they want to keep me from food, they always do. "he pouted and I smiled while shaking my head, he was honestly the cutest thing ever." And I want popcorn. "He sighed and held his chest.

"Will you help me?" He reached for my hand and I gladly grabbed onto his smaller, much softer one.

"Let's kick some pirate ninja butt, "I said playing along and he giggled with a nod. He opened the door and peaked out, looking both left and right. He motioned for me to follow while tugging at my arm. I chuckled and he narrowed his eyes at me.

"Shh," he said and began tip toeing across the hall and down the stairs. He gave a sigh of relief once we were at the bottom, he wiped at invisible sweat and gqve a triumphant grin. "I did it!" He cheered and I raised a brow. "I mean...we?" I laughed and shook my head, throwing my arm over his shoulder. He beamed and snuggled into my side and leading me to the kitchen just as the door banged open. Cody groaned and hit his head with his palm. "They are here." He grumbled.

"Who is? "I asked seeing the frown on Cody's face deepen.

"Them." He said it with so much bitterness I only wondered what they have ever done to make him so bitter towards them. Cody pushed me onto the seat, "just ignore them, please?" I gave a nod and lifted my hand to run it through his hair, he leaned into my hand with a small smile.

"You are very playful, Cody, "I commented referring to his whole pirate ninja thing. He giggled, covering his mouth before stepping away and going around the counter to get to the cabinet where they kept their snacks.

"Not always," he said with a blush.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't the weakling of the year. "I turned in my chair at the sparky voice behind me. Three tall boys stood at the entrance with a single girl who clung to the middle guy. I looked over at Cody who bowed his head, it reminded me of the similar pose a dog makes in submission." Whose your little friend, Omega. "I noticed how the boy sniffed in my direction and my brows furrowed, he scowled after." Really? A human? How inferior could you get, Cody," he taunted and I felt my blood boil.

"Who the hell do you think you are? "I asked him calmly but angrily." What gives you the right to treat Cody like that? "I asked him and his scowl deepened.

"What gives you the right to ask questions? You don't know me, or us, you have no idea how badly I can hurt you with one punch." He threatened stepping up to me in a show of dominance which really pissed me off. He raised his fist threateningly and I was surprised at the sound of a low, threatening growl. I turned to see Cody, he was red and his eyes blazed with fury.

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