CHAPTER 10 : One Confession And A Kiss

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I blinked a few times, I couldn't even believe I had actually texted him that, but then again, I wanted to see him, it was understandable to ask right? At this hour, though, I wasn't so sure.

My dad insists on picking you up.

I laughed at the statement before replying back that I would take a shower first. I did just that and changed into clean fresh clothing. I glanced at the bed and blinked, the book was right there, it was as though a voice was whispering words I couldn't hear. I glanced at my door to find it closed.

"Seriously? "I whispered to myself as I stared at the book as though it were the one losing its mind. I left my room just as Troye came up the stairs, he paused and looked up at me.

"Going somewhere?" I raised a brow at him.

"Did you put that book in my room? "I asked him instead, his brows furrowed.

"No...I left it with you, in the kitchen," he made a face, his tone hinting at how stupid I was to even question him.

"Well, I threw it into the bin and suddenly wosh, it's in my room, on ky bed. Somebody must have put it there. "

"And somebody probably did," he walked up to me, "but it wasn't me." He turned towards his room.

"Wait, "I said and he stopped. He turned with a raised brow." If...if I'm really what you say I am then...does that mean so are you? "

"No," his answer was clipped and held no room for questioning. "They all have a mark." He said, "makes it easier to identify them, it's a single white strip of hair, on any side. Then again, to hide it, they either dye it, or shade it." My brows furrowed, shade? "Cloaking," he smiled at me knowingly.

"Then you are...human? " He laughed softly.

"We are all human, Ezra, some of us just more than others." Then turned around entering his room and closing the door silently, I then realised that he didn't exactly answer my question, again. I sighed and walked down stairs just as the honking of a horn sounded.

I was suddenly nerve wrecked, questions fluttered around in my head. Would he approve of me? Was I dressed appropriately? Would he hit me? I was going insane.

I left the house to see a large blue hummer with a large man with golden brown hair and black eyes, he was smirking at me from the drivers seat.

"Hello, sir. "I smiled politely and he laughed.

"Get in the cat kid, Cody isn't the patient type." He winked at me and I laughed going around the car and entering the passenger's seat. "So, you must be Ezra." I smiled at the thought of Cody talking about me to his family.

"Yes, sir. "

"Enough with that 'sir'  business, you're making me feel old, I'm only 40." I smirked. "So, what are your intentions with my son?" He looked over at me with a raised brow. I paled and licked my lips, what were my intentions.

"I don't really know... "I swallowed." But, I do like him...a lot. "I admitted out loud with a small smile.

"I can tell you aren't lying, it's good that you do, because he does, a lot." He mimicked at the end as we turned a sharp corner. "You know, it's the first time I've seen him so happy... I mean, he's always been happy but, now, since you got here, he seems even...happier," he chuckled, "know what I mean?"

"I do, "I felt as though a weight had been lifted off od my shoulders, knowing that Cody did have feelings for me, made me feel almost invisible.

"Now, I'm not telling you to take advantage of my little boy, because I will, and I mean it when you say that I will, "he came to a stop and look at me," end you. " He said seriously and I gulped, his eyes seemed to shine before he smiled and laughed right before jumping out of the car, leaving me behind. I jumped as my door opened abruptly. I held my heart and looked to see Cody with wide eyes.

"Sorry." He blushed and stepped back for me to exit. I pulled him intonmy arms and held him rightly in a hug. He snuggled into my chest, his arms wrapped around my waist and he seemed to pull me closer. "Are you ok?" He looked up at me and I smiled.

"I am now, "I sighed as he beamed at me and snuggled into my embrace.

"Come on, before we are hounded." He pulled me along into a large mansion, I paused to stare and whistled.

"You live here? How big is your family? "I asked and he blushed.

"Pretty big," he held my hand in his as he pulled me into the large place. It was silent, not one movement but his constantly turning head suggested that it wasn't as empty as it sounded.

"Yep, "he whispered leading me up the stairs. I couldn't even admire much of the decor or the size as he hurriedly pulled me along. He pushed me into a room ans closed the door with an audible sigh. I chuckled and looked around the room. There was a large queen sized bed, dressed in a shimmering blue with a collection of stuffed animals.

"I never thought I'd see those in a teenage boys bedroom. "I said and he pouted.

"They are fluffy, cute and cuddly, don't hate or I'll kick you out." He sounded so childish I couldn't help aw at him resulting in a fearless glare. I chuckled and walked over to a shelf with a variety of photographs.

"You have a really big family. "I said as I stared at thwo different faces, it was obvious that there was a lot of love in the way their eyes shone.

"I guess you could say that." He blushed and stood beside me. "So," he said awkwardly. I pulled him along and lead him to sit on the floor and I followed. I swallowed and stared at his hand which was still in mine.

"I was wondering... "my brows furrowed as as tried to figure out exactly what I wanted to say or ask him." How long have you known? "I looked up to see his eyes."About my family, I mean."

"A long time, "he whispered." I wanted to say something but, Mia wouldn't let me. "

"So, you knew, about me?" He gave a small nod, looking away.

"Are you mad at me? "his voice broke as he asked.

"No," he looked back at me, "I couldn't possibly be mad at you." I smiled and he smiled back at me. "I'm just worried you think I'm a freak."

"I could never. "He said fiercely, his gaze questioning my sanity and I laughed." I could care less what you are or aren't. "

"That is reassuring." I tightened my hold on his hand and brought it up to my lips. He flushed when I gently ran them over his soft skin. There was silence between us for a moment before he broke it.

"There's been something I've been meaning to tell you. "He bit his lips and and stared, wanting nothing more than to sink my own teeth into them." I-I really like you, Ezra. "He whispered his eyes shining. He was nervous." I know you probably don't feel the same but, but, it's ok, I-I won't be mad, I just...wanted you to know. "I cupped his cheek and searched his eyes.

"I can't say I don't feel the same." I whispered lightly and leaned towards him. His breath caught and he froze as I lightly grazed my lips over his. He whimpered and I pressed our lips together firmly, loving the sparks which ignited over my skin. I pulled away, planing to cut it short, get a grip on my senses and control myself but he had other plans.

He threw his arms around my neck and pulled me closer, planting his lips onto mine and moaning as he straddled my thighs. I fell back and he didn't stop, his hands tangled into my hair and beauty squeezed his hips, rolling us over so that I was on top. He was panting when I pulled away, his eyes hooded and glazed over.

"Don't...stop, "He reached out for me, pulling ne back down onto him, I urged his mouth to open with my tongue and he opened up without complaint. His own tongue clashed with mine and I shivered, he moaned and arched, seeming to love every moment. I, myself, never wanted it to end. Finally we pulled away, our faces inches apart.

"That was my first kiss, "I admitted to him and he beamed at me.

"Me too." He said honestly. I leaned down and gave him a peek, not able to control myself. He was simply too delightful.

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