Chapter 8: Straw Fights

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"Real friends don't get offended when you insult them. They just smile and call you something even more offensive"

Chapter 8: Straw Fights

"So how was your date?"

I was sitting cross legged on Shawn's bed while he was laying on the floor looking up at me while throwing his phone up and down in the air.

"It was great. Parker's really nice, and I had a really fun time." I grinned remembering the events from yesterday.

We continued to play the question game, then when we finished eating we headed back to my house and he gave me a kiss on the cheek to say goodbye.

"I would ask about the details, but I don't really care." Shawn teased and I rolled my eyes.

"You're such a guy."

"You said I was such a girl like yesterday," He snickered. "Glad you're still trying to decide my gender."

"It's not my fault that you act like a girl 90% of the time!" I countered and stuck out my tongue.

"I do not!" He argued and I nodded.

"You dooooo."

"I don't!"

"You do."

"Oh my God. It's impossible to disagree with you on anything? Why are you so stubborn dude?" Shawn groaned and I looked at him flatly.

"I know right bro. Like seriously dude. I can't help myself from being stubborn man." I imitated him.

"Sorry. Forgot. I know you hate it when I call you that blah blah blah." Shawn blabbed and I nodded.

"Uh huh." I glared at him playfully.

"Heyyyy! I said sorry!"

"Sorry is not enough." I stuck my tongue out at him.

"What about an Oreo?" Shawn walked towards the kitchen to where his (very large) ores stash was.

"Awwhh, you know me so well." I grinned and ran up to him.

"You know the only reason why we have this huge stash is for you?" Shawn pointed out and I nodded.

"Of course, that's why you're my best friend!" I exclaimed.

"That's the only reason? Wow." Shawn said offended.

"Yep of course." I looked at the great variety of Oreo's in front of me and grabbed a mint, double stuff, pumpkin and peppermint one. "Yum."

"Okay, I'm putting the lock back on now." Shawn picked up the lock from the table did some weird contraction thing to lock up the cabinet.

"I still don't understand why you haveeee to have a lock on my Oreo cabinet." I whined.

"It's so you don't get fat after eating every single Oreo in the cabinet which is like at least 100 packs." Shawn explained and I sat down on the couch and pouted.

"Are you calling me fat?!" I accused him teasingly and he blushed.

"No! I just was saying that if you were to eat all those Oreo's you probably would become fat. I'm not saying that you're fat now because you're definitely not fat and I meant to say that-"

"It's okay Shawn, I was joking."

"Oh. You were? I'm sorry I'm just bad with this kind of girl stuff. Because I know like if I say the wrong thing then it could be offensive to you." Shawn blabbed and I laughed.

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