Chapter 4: Whatever Floats Your Boat

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"Life is made of many good moments"

Chapter 4: Whatever Floats Your Boat

Alexis and Juliet's Clothes^^

"Ugh, I thought that would never end." Alexis walked up to me when I was getting my books from my locker.

"Hey, I thought the day was pretty fun." I protested and she snorted.

"Of course, Ms. Robot, you and all your AP classes." 

"You take some AP classes too!" I said as I slammed my locker shut.

"Not as many as you."

"Fine, whatever. Let's go to the mall now." I sighed and she nodded checking her phone as it vibrated.

"Okay. Shawn and Alec are meeting us after practice." She told me and I nodded. "Oh! Put your number in my phone."

"Okay," I took the phone out of her hand and typed in my number.


She shoved her phone in her back pocket and linked her arm around mine.

"Can we take your car?" I asked and she nodded.

"Sure, my parents just got me one for a present for senior year coming up." She told me.

"That's nice." I said as we sat down in her light blue Mini Cooper.

"So you and Alec ay?" Alexis winked as she started the engine.

I looked at her, stunned.

"I'm sorry, What?"

"You heard me." She said and I blinked.

"First of all, That's gross, and will never happen. Second of all, I'm probably not his type. And third of all, I don't date arrogant, egotistical, narcissistic dicks."

Alexis laughed at my response.

"I'm serious!" I and she looked at me.

"Sure, whatever floats your boat."

"Eyes on the road!" I shouted, laughing, and she laughed and trained her eyes on the road.

"But I'm serious, I can literally feel the sexual tension whenever you guys are within five feet of each other." She told me.

"You mean you feel sexual tension radiating off Alec," I corrected and she smirked.

"If that's what you want to believe."

"But it's true!" I protested and Alexis laughed.

"Sure Ju."


"Yep, your nickname is now Ju. Sometimes I'm too lazy to say Juliet." She replied and I snorted.

"Haha. Same with me Alex."

"Alex sounds like Alec. You got Alec on the mind?" Alexis teased.

"I do not like him okay." I groaned as a smirk danced around her face.

"That's what you say now." She said as we pulled into the mall parking lot.

I glared at her and she gave me her best innocent look face.

Wow, she could be an actress.

"Anyways, so we'll hang out for a few hours, then after the boy's practice is over then they'll join us, and we'll all hang out." Alexis said, telling me the plan and I nodded.

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