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Girls VS Boys? Or Girls and Boys VS Gender Roles?

Hi guys, I'm going to write a book that will promote preventing gender roles, stereotypes and sexism. Please, please, please try to promote this so everyone can learn about how gender roles are affecting our society. The video in the chapter is one that I my teacher played in class, and I thought it was really good. It's about the stereotypes about men and boys. If you guys have any suggestions or comments, feel free to comment. If you would like to message me privately about any comments, problems, or situations you might have, I would be more then happy to help as best I can.


Girls and Boys everywhere have it built in their heads that they have to be a certain way, and they will do whatever it takes to be that perfect person. But there is no such thing as a perfect person. The perfect person is the way you are, the person you strive to be. There is no such thing as perfect, normal, or average.

Girls spend so much time making sure their appearance is good enough to get the approval of the people around them. Girls are expected to act prim and proper, and act like a princess. They are also expected to like the color pink, and play with dolls, and like fairies and princesses. Or they are expected to stay at home, cooking and cleaning. They are known to just sit at home and be beautiful. Girls are considered weak-waiting for their prince to come- and they are considered as objects or toys for men's sexual pleasure. In the past, girls have always been considered the non-dominate gender, and have always had less power then boys. If girls are not beautiful they are considered ugly and outcasts.

Boys spend all their time under a mask of masculinity, being tough, with no emotions or feelings. They are always being told to "Be a man" and to not "Be a pussy". Boys are expected to like playing with cars, and trucks. They are expected to be tough, and like to do daring things. If they are unable to do those things, they are considered weak or girly. Boys are expected to work hard to provide money for the family, and go to work everyday. Although Boys are considered the dominant gender, people have high expectations for them, and they are expected to meet them exactly.

Imagine living in a world where everyone could be their true identity, without having to worry about sexism, people judging them, or embarrassment and humiliation. Our generation is here to change the world and it is our choice if we want to make that change negative, or positive.


So I hope you guys enjoy the book.


1.) COPY MY BOOK IN ANY WAY. That is plagiarism and it's also rude.

2.) SPOIL PARTS IN THE COMMENTS. That's also rude.

3.) ADVERTISE YOUR BOOKS ANYWHERE IN MY STORY. It's also rude and the comments will be deleted.

4.) IF YOU DON'T LIKE MY BOOK. DON'T READ IT. Don't hate on my book, just don't read it.

Thanks guys!




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