Chapter 19

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Lucy woke up in her room , and saw Gray beside her . She asked ," What .. what happened ..?" She tried to sit up , and Gray helped her to . He replied , " You got a cramp and ran out of breath , you drowned . "

" Oh , yeah .. "

" You feeling okay ? "

" Hm , I'm still a bit dizzy .. Who .. who got me out of the water .. Were you the one who saved me ..? "

" ... " He thought , " Crap .. Should I say yes .. or no ... :

" Gray .. ? "

" Tha- .. You see- "

The door opened . Natsu and Happy came in . Natsu asked ," You okay , Luce ? You drowned in pretty deep ." Gray stared at him and put his index finger on his lips , telling him to shut up . Lucy asked , " What ? How do you know .. ? "

" What do you mean ? I was the one who saved- " Natsu said .

" Gramps ! " Gray cut in .

" Child , are you feeling fine ? " Master asked while coming in .

" Master .. I'm still feeling dizzy .. " Lucy replied .

" I see . " Master said .

" Oh yeah , Luce . Lisanna got a cramp too . You wanna visit her ? " Natsu asked .

Lucy nodded and got up . She said ," I wanna go myself ." She walked next door and knocked the door . She walked in . Lisanna threw the pillow in her face and said ," ... you .. WHAT MAKES YOU SO SPECIAL ?! YOU BITCH GET OUT .... he .. promised to save me .. " Lucy sat on the bed and asked ," I heard you got a cramp , you okay ? " Lisanna said ," Just get out , don't pretend to be kind . " She said ," Since you can speak like this normally , I guess you must be fine ," and walked back to her room . She sat on the bed and said ," Open Gate of the giant crab key , Cancer . "

" Yes , what do you need Lucy-ebi ? " Cancer asked .

" Cancer , cut my hair for me . I think it's too long . "

" Yes-ebi . How long do you want it to be-ebi ? "

" Waist-length please . "

" Yes-ebi ."

Cancer cut it fast and swift . He layered her hair , so that ot looked nice . After cutting her hair , she said ," Thanks , you can go back now ." Cancer replied ," Glad to be of help-ebi ." He disappeared . Lucy combed her hair and set off to the guild . Once she got there , she went straight to the request board . She took a job request to capture a bandit . It seemed easy and fast , and it cost 100,000 jews . Natsu ran over to her and handed her a box . Lucy asked ," What is this ? "

" Well .. I forgot about your birthday and wanted to give this to you , but you went on a job the next day . So I can only give this to you now .. Happy birthday , Luce ! " He grinned at her , blushing . His face was so cute , she blushed and her heart raced . She thought ," Crap , I can't feel this again ..!! I .. don't want to get hurt again .. I need to calm down .. Calm down me .. " She inhaled and exhaled . She smiled at him and said ," Thanks , Natsu ! Can I open it ?" He blushed cutely , nodded his head and ran away . She thought ," What ? He ran away .. " She took out the wrapper and opened the box . Inside was his scarf , a heart-shaped key and a note . She took out the note and opened it . It was stated ," I'm giving you my favorite scarf , cuz' you always seem cold when going to missions in a cold area . When you wear it , it's really nice and hot !! And the key .. If you've decided to accept me , come to my room and put it on my table . If not , you can either keep it .. or .. throw it away . " Lucy blushed . She thought ," Accepting Natsu's feelings eh .. His favorite scarf .. It's his favorite .. "

< The next day >

Before going on her job , she put Natsu's scarf and the key in her drawer . The key on the scarf . She looked at it and touched it swiftly before closing the drawer and setting off .

< Lucy's arrival on the mission site >

Lucy was supposed to capture two bandits, the job request was written wrongly . She thought as she walked ," Two bandits shouldn't be too much ... I can handle this much . " Then , she saw a man and a woman standing in front of her . She recognized them , they were the bandits she was supposed to capture . The woman said ," Hello . I see that the old man has sent a mage to capture us . Ain't that right .. Iver ? Flowers , attack . " The flowers looked sharp and was directed in Lucy's direction . Lucy barely dodged it , it cut her arm . Lucy landed on the ground in her pose , she said ," Woah , woah . Slow down . Introductions first ? Actually , I don't care . I just need to capture you ." Lucy took out her whip and said ," Open gate of the maiden key , Virgo ! "

" Hime , time for punishment ? "

" Virgo , take care of that guy for me . Although he doesn't seem to be powerful , he's physically strong and he .. has a special ability . He's observing my ability . "

" Yes , hime . "

" Oh .. Iver , she's smart . You actually saw through our plan ..! So you're a celestial mage eh ..?" The woman said .

" Shall we fight ? " Lucy smirked .

" Name's Flora . Yes , we shall . Oh .. !! Wait .. Iver !! She's in the same guild as that irritating ice boy ! "

" Ice boy ..? Gray ?! " Lucy said .

" Yes yes . Gray . We defeated him . " Flora smirked .

Lucy whipped her whip and ran forward . She whipped Flora fast and swift , her whip couldn't be seen and it couldn't be stopped . Just then , Virgo screamed . Lucy stopped and looked at her . In that moment , Lucy was attacked . Iver and Flora changed places . Iver stood in front of the injured blonde. He said , " Erase . " Lucy blacked out and fainted .

< A year later >

All the guild members believed Lucy was dead . She never came back from her job . Lisanna was happy in a way , as she could have Natsu all to herself , but she felt bad for Lucy's ' death ' . Gray acknowledged Natsu's feelings for her , he gave Natsu a box of some of her stuff . Natsu would hug her clothes to sleep and wouldn't seem to care about Lisanna however . He would be sad all day long , and sighs would come out of his mouth all day . Gray and Natsu tried to search for her everyday , but to no avail . Gray seemed to not care about what happened to Lucy , but he actually yearns for her , he is hurting in his heart . Only Happy knew how Gray felt on the inside .

< One day >

Lisanna traveled faraway from Fairy Tail to get one of the best beers in Fiore . She walked in a bar and sat down on a seat .

" Yuko ! There's a new customer ! "

" Yes ! I'll get there right away !! " Yuko said . Lisanna froze . She thought ," Wait a minute . That voice .. Isn't that .. Lucy's ..?? "

" Yes , customer . What's your order ? " Yuko asked . Lisanna looked up slowly . It was a beautiful blonde , with brown eyes and tied up long hair . Lisanna thought , " Lucy .. "

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