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Dear Dickie,

You don't know how exhausted I am! It seems that the work keeps piling up by the week, and you'd think that it's because of Vanessa and Ellie, but luckily no! Christopher has become my bodyguard and best friend.

I'm not sure why I like him. It could be his habit of always saying "gosh" or his charming laugh that makes me smile. Or it could be his kindness.

Earlier today, Chef Lucille gave me an extra task: scouring knives in the pantry while she cooked. As I scraped, I accidentally cut my hand badly. I couldn't muster the courage to tell Lucille, so I excused myself to my room.

As I turned the corner, I saw Christopher knocking on the door to my room. I swear he blushed when I tapped on his shoulder, and stuttered something like,

"Gosh, sorry! I thought you had a break before dinner -YOUR HAND!!!!"

It's a pity Christopher must take the throne one day. He would make an excellent clinician or psychologist. He took me to the medicine cabinets and swabbed the long cut across my palm, telling me all sorts of reassuring words.

Later tonight, I was given a small wooden tub for bathing. But how in the world can you bathe in it if it's impossible to even sit? So there I stood in the center of my tiny room, scrubbing under my armpits until Christopher suddenly burst through the door.

"Hey, Armelle! I just wanted to check on your hand and-"

"DON'T LOOK AT ME!!" I screamed. But when one says such words, curiosity gets the better of the human being, so of course he glanced at me before his hands flew to his eyes and he turned around.

He sounded so frightened and wouldn't stop apologizing. Isn't he a sweetheart? Not only that, but he brought me to his own bathroom to bathe in his enormous bath tub instead! He insisted that I use it every time!

Life couldn't be any better! I do wonder though where father is right now, and what he's thinking. I wish I could say that we're looking at the same stars like they do in books, but I have no windows in my room. I'm under the stairs, remember?

It's getting late, and I'm needed to prepare breakfast in the morning.

Yours who finally feels at home,

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