chapter Four

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~~~Maria's p.o.v~~~

~~flash back~~

I was lying down on this very posh looking bed reading a book called the history of magic.

"how the studying coming along?" asks my grandmother walking into the room and sitting down on the bed next to me

"it's coming along slowly, why do i need to learn magic anyways" i whined

"because one day you'll need it and i won't be there to help or protect you" says my grandmother patting her right hand on my shoulder

"i know that, but i still don't have to like the studying" I whine

"no one said you had to like but you still need to do it, also i didn't come up here to have this conversation what I did come up here to do is tell you that dinner's ready" grandma says patting me on the shoulder and placing this jewel encrusted gold and silver covered crown down at my feet.

"why you giving me the crown my coronation isn't for another week" i ask confused

"i know that darling, but its tradition for the soon to be queen to keep the crown a week before her coronation" says gran

"why is it done that way" i ask

"i have no idea but it's just the way things are" replies gran

~~end of flashback~~

I wake with a start as the front door of my mansion slams shut and in walks my maid whos in charge of my entire staff.

"you scared me" i say

"sorry miss i was just coming back from the market" says my maid

"no it's fine i was just sleeping"

"another flashback?" asks my maid with a ghost of a frown just touching her lips

"ya how do you know that?" i ask slightly confused

"you always wake up like that after you get a flashback while sleeping" my maid explains with a smile on her lips and a glint in her eye

"i never realized, guess i don't pay that much attention" i smile

"now dear what do you want for dinner" my maid asks

"surprise me" i say lying back down on the couch

"have a good nap darling" she whispers and then goes back to cooking dinner

she's like a mother too me and i don't know what i would do without her i think as darkness over take me for the second time that day

~~flashback 2~~

i am standing in a ballroom and across from me is the elf king named Orist he's tall with long silvery white hair hanging loosely on his shoulders and he's wearing this deep red colored robe with gold and silver woven into the neckline and sleeve cuffs.

"would you like to dance" he says putting his hand out

"do i have much of a choice" i whine

"i don't think so my darling" says Orist

~~end of second flashback~~

I wake up to sirens blaring, people running, and glass shattering everywhere

"what the hell is going on" i yell

"miss thank god you're ok. i was so worried that Poseidon took you captive" says my maid

"Poseidon's attacking, in that case gather as many servants and get them out of the house, exit through the escape tunnels i showed you" i mange out in a panicked flurry

I watch my maid runoff, I grab my weapons belt, sword and my bow and arrows, and start making my way to my weapons volt and as i run i take out as many demons as possible.

i finally reach the grand staircase and run up the stairs. and down the hallway. a hand grabs the back of my shirt yanking to the person connected to the hand. a deep yet husky voice whispers in my ear "did you miss me".

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