Chapter one

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~~~Apollo's p.o.v~~~
"so poseidon betrayed us how nice" i yelled out to no one but the wind

"cheer up brother, uncle poseidon wouldn't do anything to hurt Tori or any of us for that matter" said Artemis

"are you sure sister, uncle Poseidon doesn't always  think before he does" i say 

"look uncle poseidon doesn't do anything without a plan i am sure of it" says my sister Artemis

"you really still believe he's on our side, don't you" i say in a surprised tone of voice

"look i would love to stick around, but i need to go check in with my hunters, see if they have found anything and you should also go and check in on Tori, I think she's awake" says Artemis and zaps out of the room

I decide to take Artemis advice and go visit Tori in the hospital wing. after she collapsed  
saving hephestos from the collapsed ceiling caused by an explosion.

"how are you doing" i ask Tori

"how do you think i am feeling, you idiot" yells Tori

"i'll take that as a no"

"i can never use my magic again otherwise i end up in a coma under your care" says Tori

"well, when you put it that way" i say sarcastically

"so other then impending doom what else is new" she says with a hint of a smile on her face

"Artemis is still hoping poseidon is secretly on our side and that he's just pretending to be evil as some sort of plan" I mange out all in one breath

"well someone has serious attachment issues" says Tori, rolling her eyes

"hey thats my twin your talking about" i half mockingly yell

~~~~~~on the other side of the palace~~~~~~

~~~Hermes P.O.V~~~

" see i told you this was going to happen" yelled Hera for the last two hours.

"we get it you said that one of us would betray everyone and you were right" yelled zeus causing Hera to shut up

"so do we have a game plan or not" i ask "otherwise we should make one" i add a minute later

"Hermes is right. no one turns my daughter evil and gets away with it, so i say we give them hell" yells Zeus

"what about Tori she needs Training to defend herself" added in Athena

"Athena's right, i say Athena and Hecate should both train Tori. Athena will cover combat and normal schooling and Hecate magic that is considering she doesn't pass out from using it" says Aphrodite

this is going to be a long night.

~~~Hade's P.O.V~~~

everything  is dark and clouded with this heavy fog that makes it hard to think or do anything with my brain. shapes and colors float around aimlessly with no set destination making words and pictures. some forming into moving pictures and distant memories ounce long gone.
distant voices break through swarming my brain and taking over my thoughts.

"how is he"says Zeus

"He's doing better then yesterday at least"

"keep an eye on him for me, Apollo" says Zeus

"what do you think i've been doing" says Apollo fusteraded

"when he wakes up tell me i need to talk to him" said Zeus

"sure whatever you say" says Apollo sarcastically

the conversation starts to Fade back to nothing but darkness.

"Hades get up we need to talk" yelled Poseidon

"shut up i am trying to sleep" i yelled whacking him in the head with some random thing

"the deed is done, as soon as she turns completely her magic powers are ours" Poseidon says in my ear.

~~~~~~Back in Apollo's palace~~~~~~

~~~anonymous p.o.v~~~

"Zeus it's Dionysus he's waking up" yelled Apollo

"wonderful i'll be there in a minute" says Zeus

"ok i'll tell him" says Apollo

Apollo walks back into the hospital wing and too Dionysus 

"Zeus is coming to talk to you" says Dionysus

"why?" says a groggy Dionysus

"how am i supposed to know it's Zeus" replies Apollo

"and your point is" yelled Zeus from the other side of the door

"i am going to go before he kills me" says Apollo and walks out of the room

"Apollo said you wanted to talk" says Dionysus

"I need you too look into something for me" says Zeus

"depends what it is" says Dionysus

"I need you too keep an eye on tori and Apollo for me?" asks Zeus

"so you want me to spy on your daughter and her maybe boyfriend" says Dionysus in a somewhat shocked tone of voice.

"that's what i said" says Zeus

"I'll say what i can do" replies Dionysus

~~~Tori's p.o.v~~~

"what is it your going to be teaching me exactly" i say in a i  don't care kind of voice.

"i am going to be teaching you how to use a sword, and every weapon, along with hand to hand combat and battle strategies" says Athena in a little too excited tone of voice

"you could've just said how to fight, it would've been easier" I state

"lesson one always keep your sword pointed up and at your enemy" says Athena

"you mean like this" I say taking a fighting stance pulling my sword back and trusting right knocking her sword out of her hands and caching it in my other hand.

"ya just like that" says Athena in shock

And that's how class goes the rest of the day, Athena telling me what to do and me surpassing what she says every time. yet at the same time me wanting to rip my ears off and whack her with them.

"tomorrow when we meet we're going to be working on battle strategies" says Athena

"Ok,great" i say with a hint of boredom

"now you have magic class with Hecate" Athena says to me

"oh, ok cool" i say with an excitement filled voice

Athena walks out of the room and three minutes later Hecate walks in holding a basket full of candles and herbs and all these different kinds of magic spell books.

"Hi Tori are you ready to learn magic with me" says Hecate practically jumping for joy

"ya, i can't wait to start" I say practically squirming around in my seat.

"so what do you want to learn first?" asks Hecate

"i can't decide between spells, and potions" i say

" how about we do spells the first half of the class and potions the second half of the class" says Hecate

"ya i like that" i say

"i think we could try starting with levitation" says Hecate

we work for hours and hour, I pass out at least twice but by the time where into the third hour I've finally started to get the hang of levitation and not blacking out when ever I use my magic. And class ends about an hour later and as Hecate walks through the door she yells over her shoulder " my dear, before I forget Apollo wants to talk to you"

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