Chapter two

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~~~Anonymous's p.o.v~~~

"The army's are ready to fight father" says Poseidon

"Patience Poseidon we must wait till they will least expect an attack" says Kronos to his son

"I guess that's a good plan, but they won't expect an attack right after Tori was poisoned" replies Poseidon

"I said we wait and that's that" roars Kronos

"Yes father" says Poseidon in defeat with a slight hint of fear laced in his voice

I walk along the castle corridors looking for something interesting to do, I come across the training room watching the monsters and demons train for the upcoming war.

"What are you doing here little girl" says one of the monsters too me

"I am an assassin to lord Hades" I simply state

"I didn't know Hades had a private assassin" says the monster

"He doesn't like to show me off" I simply replied

"Perhaps it's because your a girl" snickered the monster as he turned around and went  back into the training room.

I decide to keep walking down the darkened hunting path. The path zigzags all the way around Hades underworld palace.

"What are you doing here" yelled Hades when i run right into him

"I was bored so I decided to come down and see how things were coming along" I simply replied

"We'll go the last thing we need is for Poseidon to notice you" whispered Hades in a hurried, worried tone.

~~~Poseidon's p.o.v~~~

As I am looking around for Hades when I see this flash of dark purplish reddish hair. Run through the south corridor heading for the teleport. So I do the only normal thing you could do I start running after the person. Faster and faster until I get close enough to jump on her and tackle her to the ground.

"Get off me" she yelled

"Who are you, and where are you going" I demand

"I am a spy for Hades, and I am going to check and see how Zeus and the others are preparing for battle and then report back" she said still guarding her face from me

"I didn't know Hades had a spy" I say skeptically

"Most people don't know about me, because I am supposed to be a secret." She says in an annoyed tone.

"Show me your face" I demand

"No" she yells

"Why not?" I ask

"Because I can't risk anyone knowing who I am other than Hades"she says stubbornly

"In that case your going to be coming with me to Hades" I say pulling her up by her arm and dragging her behind me

We walk along three corridors, and up five flights of stairs, and around three corners till we finally got to Hades study.

Finally after knocking on the door about five minutes he finally opened the door.
At first he had a sleepy almost lazy look on his face, then her noticed the girl and a look of horror and fear.

"Care to explain Hades" I ask in a surprising calm voice with a hint of anger

"Explain what" says Hades recovering from the earlier surprise

"You know what" I practically yell in frustration

"Oh you mean about the girl, ya she my personal assassin" say a says a causal Hades

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