Chapter 23

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I walked back into the house only to be greeted by an eager Beau.

"What'd she say?" he grinned

Being the jerk I am, I decided I was going to mess with him a little.

"She doesn't like you like that" I shrugged,

"Wait, what?" he frowned.

My face cracked into a smile and I suddenly couldn't control my laughter. His face was priceless.

"I'm just kidding! Jeez Beau!"

"Nat! Don't do that" he pouted. aw aw aw.

"Seriously, what'd she say?"

"Wellllllll, she may or may not have admitted that she likes you, quite a lot actually"

Cue the screaming.

Sometimes Beau is more of a girl than I am, and that says something because, well, I'm an actual girl!

"I love you I love you I love you!" He screeched twirling me around.

"Dude I just ate! Do you want me to barf all over you?" I giggled

"I'm good, got plans with Kaitlyn later'" He smiled wiggling his eye brows.

"Oh, I know. She was gushing about them earlier" I laughed.

"Well thank you again! I gotta go but if you need anything Jai and Luke are in all day!" He said before walking out the door.

Alright, my mission begins.....


How on earth am I supposed to get ahold of his phone when it literally never leaves his side?


Might as well start at square one and actually see where he is.

"Luke!" I called out.

No answer


Still no answer


"Upstairs!" I heard him shout.

Must be playing Xbox with Jai.

I made my way up the stairs and into their room to see that they were in fact playing Xbox.


I plopped down between them and watched as they screamed back and forth at each other. Entertainment at it's best, I must say.

"Luke" I whined "Can I use your phone?"

"Uh, sure. Why?"

"Mine is dead and I need twitter" I shrugged as if it was no big deal.

He pulled it out of his pocket and handed it to me. Since I already knew the password, I unlocked it and clicked the twitter app.

Since he wasn't really paying attention to whatever I was doing, I went back on the home screen and found his iMessage.

Lynsey's name was the first on his list. Uh.

I clicked on it and read the first couple of messages

"See ya then!"

"Can't wait to catch up!"

"I've missed you!"

I internally scoffed and scrolled up a bit to see where and when exactly they'd be "catching up"

"Melbourne Central at 3 sound good?"

Melbourne Central eh? 

Cool, sounds like Samantha and I will be making a trip to Melbourne Central tomorrow.... at 3.

I turned off his phone and handed it back, walking out of the room. 

They were both too into their game to notice I left, which was actually a good thing. I went into the guest room and grabbed my phone texting Samantha the deets.

My dad was also coming back tomorrow. I think it's pretty good timing, if I'm honest.

If Luke WAS doing anything with her, I probably wouldn't be able to be around him let alone live in his house for another day.

Samantha quickly texted me back with this whole ninga plan for spying on them. I just thought we could hide behind a plant or something, but that works too.


I woke up early and told Gina I would be out with Samantha for the whole day. Jai overheard and talked me into putting in a good word about him with her.

The Brooks brothers are something else.

I headed over to Samantha's house where she was sat in her living room watching yet another episode of the Kardashians.

Since we weren't leaving until like 3 and it was still like 11, I laid beside her and watched too.

I never really understood what was so entertaining about the Kardashians, but after watching like 5 episodes, it's grown on me. 

I checked the time and realized it was 2:45.

We only had 15 minutes to get there, shit.

"Sam! We gotta go!" I shouted shaking her.

"What?! C'mon!" she screamed pulling me out the door.

Thankfully, we got there pretty much on time. You know, after running to the train and knocking over a child. 

We headed up to the food court and sat at a table hidden by some fake plants. 

See? I compromise.

I saw Luke walk into the food court and sit down at a table alone.

I wonder if she's pretty...

What if he falls for her again and just dumps me?

What if he----

"Natalie, look!" Samantha whispered

I looked over to where he was sitting and saw a girl, about my height, approaching him. His face lit up as he got up to hug her.

My heart literally just sunk. She was gorgeous.

They sat together and talked for who knows how long. I was mostly watching their body language, which was pretty flirty if I do say so myself.

About a half hour passed before she got up and hugged him goodbye. 

"I'd say we were about done here" I mumbled to Samantha, tears building up in my eyes.

"Natalie wait---"

I turned around and ended up bumping into someone. I looked up to see a very confused looking Luke.

"Natalie? What're you doing here?" 


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