Chapter 6

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- Claire's pov -

I stood near the door to the basement the next day. It was only morning barely even seven o'clock. The air was chilly in our little cabin. I pulled my cardigan closer to my small frame.

I tried not to scrunch my face in disgust as the boys walked past me to go outside. I couldn't help but agree with Hailey when she said they stunk, even though it wasn't their fault, they were tied to chairs unable to use the bathroom.

"Um Hailey?" I all but mumbled to my sister who was shoving the boys out the door. She turned to me with raised eyebrows. "W-Why are you mad at them for smelling if you didn't give them the choice to use the bathroom?" My voice was small as she peered at me.

Suddenly she was in front of me caressing my cheek, "Oh little Claire, do you not remember what one of them did to you that night?" Her sister said in a sickly sweet voice. She then shot daggers at the tanned skin boy who was now shifting on his feet. "That beast hurt you, Claire! Why would I allow them to wonder freely? Huh? What if he hurt you again?" Her older sisters big eyes met hers, they shined with care - care that was only focused on Claire. "I wouldn't be able to live if you were hurt again." She said into Claire's shoulder as she hugged her tightly.

I looked away from the boys, hating how Hailey made me seem stupid, small, and fragile. I was so much more then her sisters eyes could see.

"Now," Hailey said as she directed me to the front door. "Go and lead them to that water fall you always go to, yeah? And maybe you'll have some tv time." She gave her an evil smile before closing the door.

The cold air wrapped around her in a cold blanket, not even her cardigan could stop it from reaching her bare skin. She could just imagine how it would be for the boys who had to bathe in ice cold water then get dressed in the cold wind.

The bag I carried with their things hit against my leg with every move I made. I followed the little trail that led to a beautiful waterfall, which was now the boys' cold bath.

I shuddered just imagining the cold water hitting my body as I got in it.

I stopped as the water came into view. "Well, here it is." Stepping aside to show them the little waterfall. They searched the area with their eyes.

I opened the bag and started handing the things out, just a bottle of soap, tooth brush, tooth paste, towel, and clothes.

Once each boy had their things they stared at me. "We have to bathe in that?" Louis spoke taking a glance at the calm waters of the fall.

I nodded at him in reply. "It's the only way your getting clean."

"Are you going to look?" Niall asked me. My cheeks reddened at the thought of their naked bodies. Never have I ever seen a man naked and now was not going to be the day I did.

Shaking the thought out if my head I gave him an answer, "No. I'd rather not watch. I'll be over here, but please for your sake and mine don't do anything stupid. Meaning trying to escape. Hailey wasn't lying, she's probably watching us now." We all looked around, occasionally spotting the cameras she set up a while back.

"Why would it be for your sake too? We're the ones being trapped here not you!" Zayn snapped at me catching me by surprise.

My heart clenched at his tone more so then his words. My eyes met the ground, a sad sigh falling from my lips. "Who knows what Hailey will do anymore, I don't even know who she is anymore." My throat tightened as tears threatened to spill.

A scoff came from Zayn, "Well, sorry for your loss." He said in a sarcastic tone.

"Uh.. I'll leave you guys to get clean." I said before walking to a big rock to lean on.

I closed my eyes and breathed in deeply. Zayns rights. I have a better chance of surviving - far bigger chance - then him and the boys.

As I pulled out my Mothers diary, the boys started to chatter with each other. I listened closely to what they were saying. Most of it was the others yelling at Zayn, for what I have no idea. He was right.

Deciding that eavesdropping on them isn't exactly how I want to spend this time away from the house, I picked up the diary and opened it to a page I was oh so familiar of.

- June 16th 1995

Today, was the day an angel was born. My angel. My beautiful baby girl was brought in the world. She hasn't cried one bit. Just.. silent. It worried me, shouldn't babies cry coming out? Hailey did.

But, as the doctors noticed my questioning looks shot towards my silent angel, they told me it was normal. Some babies cry, some babies don't. Normal.

Her beautiful eyes were open slightly. She had a little patch of blonde peach fuzz on the top of her head. Hailey loved her. I loved her. Mike loved her. We're just a happy family today.

Moments like these are the ones we should cherish. They on-


I stopped reading as a voice came from beside me. "You a writer?" Zayn said.

He no longer smelled, but now smelled of the men's body wash I grabbed for him and the others. His dark hair was limp against his forehead, almost covering his caramel-like eyes giving him a dark aura. Small droplets of water fell from his still damp hair and onto his dark black v-neck shirt. I wonder how such a beautiful man could seem so mean, but stopped once I remembered what has been happening to him.

I cleared my throat and quickly shut the notebook I'd been previously been reading from. "Yeah, something like that." I finally breathed out embarrassed that I'd been checking him out.

A simple lie wouldn't do any harm now. I didn't want him to snap at me again, so lying was the path I took.

"Hobby? I use to draw as a hobby, besides singing." He said. A distant look took over as his eyes looked straight ahead.

I looked away, the feeling of guilt slowly eating at my insides.

I shouldn't have helped Hailey. This is wrong. I should have realized that then. I'm just at evil as Hailey is. I could help them, I should help them.

I choked down a laugh. What could little 'ol Claire do? Nothing.

"Hey Claire? We need help over here!" Someone shouted from behind.

Zayn and I shuffled to our feet and ran to the boys.

Liam was laid out on the ground only in a shirt and boxers. A gasp came from me as I laid eyes on his wound. It was infected, and bad.

He groaned as I gently looked over it.

"He needs medical attention."


My apologies if yet again the chapter is short. I don't exactly have a good computer to write on, and I do write on a writing app.

Hope you like it! I don't know how I feel about it, but do I ever?

It isn't exciting but not every chapter is going to be.

Please check out my friends stories (I don't know if she wants me to do this but oh well) her name is Radiantly. She writes Justin Bieber stories, so please go check her out! If you can't find her I do follow her!

[Some parts have been slightly changed]

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