Chapter 12 ~ A New Accord

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"In a world that dreams of salvation, there are inherently those that dream the opposite."

- The Awakening


A New Accord

Chapter 12

Two days later...

Saskia's eyes stared a hole into the embroidered uniform sent to her room in the local inn by none other than his highness. She tossed it into a trunk at the foot of the bed and instead drew out some new clothes she had bought for herself from the market, feeling a little irritated that she had indulged herself. However, she knew she needed it.

She mechanically changed into them and tied her long, tousled hair into a tight braid, carelessly fingering away the short sparse strands framing her face. She decided on practical clothing, ones that allowed her the freedom of movement without feeling constricted; it was also dark, something she preferred. She tied a belt around the khaki coloured--almost brown--leather pants and then tucked in her white blouse before grabbing her brown leather corset and tying it expertly. Her hands worked quickly to position her weapons on the belt around her corset, finally grabbing amaranthe and pushing the scabbard through a loop in her belt. The mud coloured, fingerless gloves tightened as she clenched her fist to test its grip, nodding to herself with satisfaction. With a large exhale she shoved her feet into her worn out boots, putting one small knife inside each boot for extra security.

You could never be too careful.

Her eyes stopped on the piece of parchment paper that came with the uniform, shoving it into her bag and placing the given key into her trouser pocket for safekeeping.

'Due to your attendance, your accommodation will be at the lady's hall of residence in the academy. Here is a key to room 9. I expect to meet with you soon, Miss Saskia.'


Prince Lex Sinclair de Laurent Beaumont

Glancing around the room one last time, knowing that she wouldn't be coming back for a while, she ensured that nothing of hers was left. After analysing the room and packing everything into her satchel she left the inn, thanking the owner on the way.

She walked towards the library, which took a short few minutes and then made her way towards the large portal. She pressed a screen which showed her a variety of places, her eyes resting on one particular one. She clicked it and then walked in. When she walked out a few seconds later she was in a completely different environment, eyes carefully following the movements of hundreds of students milling outside and inside of the academy. She took in a deep breath and then walked towards the looming gates, eyes never leaving the opulence of the place.

Towering citadels stood just yards away from her, the structure gleaming with glory. Arched windows and doors lined the front with golden beams holding the whole building together, white, gold and a little bit of red signifying the colours of their nation. It stood tall and mighty, its stunning appearance only displaying grandeur and riches. A gleaming sculpture made of marble stood proudly, a sword raised high in the air, his eyes narrowed depicting the fire he felt so clearly that day--it was none other than the first reigning monarch, his late majesty, King Alec Sinclair de Laurent Beaumont, slayer of demons and hero to all.

She held his gaze, respect and admiration glimmering in her eyes as she stopped by the gates. The two guards stationed either side crossed their spears, stopping her from entering. "State your name."


She waited as one produced a large book by the snap of his fingers, flipping through it efficiently for a few seconds before he nodded. They resumed back to their original positions, their spears a constant security as they held it beside them. The guard with the buzz cut nodded at her with a short smile, "You may enter. Welcome to Clandestine Academy."

The AwakeningOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora