Chapter 17 ~ Trap

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"Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars."

- Khalil Gibran


| Trap I |

Chapter 17

The memory flashed across her eyes once again, like it was on a loop that would continue to plague her being. She shoved it to the back of her mind violently, eyes stone cold as she centred her thoughts on the trials. Her eyes trailed across the igneous rock walls, the solid, ebony walls seeming to get narrower and narrower the more she ventured inside.

After climbing inside the volcano, her eyes had to adjust from the bright light emitted from the lava to the bleakness of the interior. Her steps were firm and poised, ears keenly listening for any sounds, be it from her classmates or another being altogether. Complete darkness made it hard for her to see clearly and she didn't want to use Adena's power unnecessarily. It wasn't an unending reservoir and it certainly didn't favour her body when she used it. Especially when she had used it last time, she couldn't use it for a while.

Luckily, her ears were naturally sharp from years of carefully listening out for her enemies--or tormentors. Her lips curled down at the thought, a wild look flashing in her eyes at the thought of them. She basked in the silence for it had been quite a few lively days, but her mind constantly sought her out, forcefully replaying memories she did not want to see or acknowledge at this time.

She sighed, lips firm.

Are you feeling alright, child? I know your body has taken quite a blow from my powers.

I am perfectly fine, Adena. Don't worry about me.

She drank in the cave's features, the thumping of her steps the only sound to bless her ears--she paused. Bang! Bang! Bang! She carefully skirted around the crumbling debris on the rocky ground and flattened herself against the wall. She controlled her breathing, heart slowing and body tense yet relaxed.

Her eyes peered around the corner, widening to see three demons clawing and rearing their heads against the charred walls. She reared back from their sights, wondering if she should turn the other way to avoid wasting energy when a muffled shout alerted her. Her eyes reverted back to the beasts, ears twitching as she heard another muffled shout. A male, she discerned. It seemed like he was right in front of them but he wasn't. Bang! Another inaudible shout. He sounded enraged and yet a little afraid. She dragged a hand down her face at the path her thoughts were taking her.

She smoothed a hand down amaranthe who stayed limp beside her, power dormant, informing her that the demons were no real threat. It also told her of another important factor; they were not real. Just mere fabrications of Class D demons. She was sure of it. She didn't feel the same negative aura surrounding them, it wasn't all-consuming and daunting.

The sound of a sharp object being withdrawn caused the demons to pause in their tracks. Saskia was about to move when a powerful, concentrated power dominated the surrounding area. She stilled. A flash of yellow light, its power crackling with intensity zapped the demons effortlessly. An echoing boom was heard before the figure entered her vision.

"You colossal idiot. Those demons were a fabrication."

Her hair was wild and unruly escaping the thick band tied around her chocolate curls. Her form was covered in lithe muscles, clothed in the academy's finest garments--the same uniform the other guardians dressed in. A man clad in the same uniform as Chad's revealed himself from the depths of the wall. The wall crumbled around him. His hazel orbs were flecked with gold as they flashed with rage, gazing down at the shorter woman proudly.

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