Chapter 18 ~ A Challenge

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"Know your limitations so you may overcome them."

- Edgar von Carmichael


A Challenge

Chapter 18

"I beg your pardon?" Zephyr voiced out, breaking the silence that had overcome them at her words.

Saskia's voice was sporting its natural firmness, nothing being betrayed through expression nor sound. "I don't have the time nor do I have the patience for you to grasp this simple fact. I have much more urgent matters to take care of, starting from this trial."

Nina impolitely shoved her comrade out of the way, expression upturned into a fierce scowl. It was a permanent fixture on her face as was the frown on Saskia's. "He was your master? That's impossible! The man was killed off in the battle of Hastings--"

"Believe what you want. It has no relevance to me."

A tense but furious silence draped over them once again.

Zephyr was proud by nature but apprehension filled his being at the sight of the two women in front of him. Though he would never admit that--to anyone. He cleared his throat regally. "Let us continue this elsewhere. This beasts' entrails," his nose flared with disgust, eyes rotating to the floors heavily coated with blood and slime. "Are somewhat disturbing and repulsive."

"Oh, shut it Zephyr. You find everything repulsive--can't sully your poor clothes. Tch."

"If you must know I take pride in my appearance and it would not do well if I appear dishevelled in front of a commoner."

"So, you can't even bloody help when we're in danger? You bastard! Always thinking about your damn self. Oh, poor me, I detest anything hideous and I will not go anywhere near it because my poor hands will get tainted. Pity me," Nina ended callously, bright eyes directed to her equally furious comrade.

"You know very well that I am capable of sewing that arrogant mouth shut."

"Yeah?" she taunted, stepping closer to his body. "I'd like to see you try."

"You miscreant of--"

"Where do you think you're going?" Nina abruptly veered around, eyes focused on the other woman's retreating back.

"You cannot presume that I have the patience nor the time to actually listen to you argue, do you?" The insult was clear. Saskia's expression was blank yet they could both detect the undercurrents of irritation. It was echoed through her stance and the flexing of her fingers. "It was a pleasure meeting you both, truly. I'll let Miss Lillith know that her companions are looking for her."

She disappeared through a tunnel.

Nina silently fumed, her gaze focused on the spot she disappeared.

Zephyr could only muse after her departure, eyes flashing with intrigue.

A couple hours of nonstop walking, Saskia found herself at a large clearing. The protruding, ebony walls emitted a smell that singed at her nostrils, the air noticeably thicker. She tried not to inhale as deeply, eyes scouring the area carefully. A shuffle on the right made her swerve behind a wall, her form at the entryway of the tunnel. She braced herself, listening keenly as the footsteps grew closer. With a quiet inhale she struck swiftly. A large hand captured her wrist in a firm grip, chocolate curls bouncing and sharp smile widening.

"Well, well if it isn't Miss Fiery Temper herself."

She wrenched her hand out of his grip, eyes sharpening and body tensing. His cunning smile widened, as he took a slow step forward, head cocked to the side. He opened his mouth to speak but was interrupted.

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