Astium Map Upgrade

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So it took me about two and a half hours to create this and for an amateur I'd say this is pretty cool! I've only started learning how to make book covers and other sort of graphics using gimp and literally for the whole day I'll watch tutorials and experiment so that I get the hang of it!

I know it's not amazing like all the other talented graphic designers on wattpad but I'm pretty proud of my first fantasy map :)

Tell me what you think! It's a map of Astium, where the main city is Islark. Once I introduce more villages and towns I'll add them in but currently I've only introduced Islark, Oldcrest and the other village Kalil was staying in which is actually unknown. You'll learn of it later, trust me :)

(It's a rough draft)

UPDATE: Guys this is the new and improved map of Astium! What do you think? I haven't completed it only beacause it would include spoilers (somewhat) so I've finished half of it and the rest I will slowly add as places are introduced :)

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UPDATE: Guys this is the new and improved map of Astium! What do you think? I haven't completed it only beacause it would include spoilers (somewhat) so I've finished half of it and the rest I will slowly add as places are introduced :)

UPDATE: Guys this is the new and improved map of Astium! What do you think? I haven't completed it only beacause it would include spoilers (somewhat) so I've finished half of it and the rest I will slowly add as places are introduced :)

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- Z M. Ivy

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