Part 15

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“Fcuking hell! She's been boning Sarah!”

Cheryl lets out an excited squeal before Kimberley has time to clap a hand over her mouth.

“Shh!” the Bradfordian rolls her eyes as she hears Nadine's front door being unlocked from within.

“Oh great! They've heard you” she whispers, “look, whatever's happened just try to stay calm”.

Kimberley doesn't have time to say any more as the door is opened and their best friend pokes her head out.

“Been listening at doors have we yous two?”, Nadine raises an eyebrow and gives them a cheeky grin, “you'd better come in”.

Cheryl and Kim step tentatively into Nadine's spacious living room.  A young-looking blonde wearing nothing but a tiny pair of boy-style panties is sat cross-legged on the Irish woman's settee sipping at a cup of coffee.

“Hi guys”, she grins at them as they both reply politely, desperately trying not to let their gazes linger on her exposed breasts.

“Sooo then...where's Sarah?” Cheryl blurts out causing Kim to wince at the arkwardness of the situation.

“I'm Sarah” the young girl in the pants smiles confidently, “it's nice to meet you, Nads talks about you all the time and I'm a big fan of Girls Aloud”

“Oh...I see...we were expecting...ahem...well...” Cheryl babbles earning another amused look from Kim.

“You were expecting our Saz weren't you?”, Nadine asks with a chuckle, “I'm nat trying to work my way through the entire band you know!”

The Irish woman laughs dirtily as she sits herself down next to 'the other Sarah', running a hand up the inside of the younger girl's bare thigh.

“I've just spent the night introducing Sarah here to the joys of lady luurrve...she did very well for her first lesson!” she jokes, giving her stunned friends a wink as the blonde giggles.

“How did you two meet then?” Kim asks eventually.

“We're going to be neighbours” Sarah replies enthusiastically, “I moved in downstairs a few days ago, Nads saw me struggling with boxes and came to help me”

Nadine nods as the blonde continues.

“At first I thought she was being kind, now I know she had an ulterior motive, just wanted to get into my pants didn't you?!”

“She's got your number Diney” Cheryl states as they all start laughing.

“I do have natural urges you know!” the Irish woman exclaims, “we can't all be involved in a grand romance like yous two”

“Yeah it's an honour to meet the famous Chim” Sarah grins before getting up off the couch, “I suppose I'd best put some clothes on and get back to unpacking, the apartment won't do itself”

“You're not coming to Pride?” Kim asks in a friendly tone.

“Yeah” Cheryl adds, “there's plenty of room for one more pet”

“Nah” the blonde shakes her head, looking slightly nervous, “thanks for the offer but I'm not really sure yet....about my sexuality I mean...erm...”

“It's nat a problem”, Nadine interrupts smiling, “last night was fun but I'm not expecting anything more serious eh?”

Sarah nods with relief.

“Yeah...thanks for being so understanding...I really need to get the apartment sorted before my parents turn up”

“Parents?” , the Irish woman asks quizically, “you never mentioned they were coming to stay with you before”

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