Part 5

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Indeed the D.I.Y took a lot longer to complete than anticipated while Cheryl and Kimberley tried out their new purchase, on the stairs, in the shower, on the dining room table, against the wardrobes, even in the conservatory.  It seemed there wasn't a room safe and Kimberley had discovered, to her immense pleasure, that she wasn't the only one who enjoyed giving.

The older girl had lost count of the number of mindblowing orgasms she'd experienced with Cheryl and the 'Love Machine' which they'd jokingly dubbed the dildo, giggling hysterically while the other girls looked on bemused as songtitles for the forthcoming tour were announced.  After many months the inevitable sadly happened and the damn thing broke cleanly in two, luckily not during use.

Which brought Kimberley to the point she was now, a month since the dildo fatality and, having bought another even more substantial replacement, a new surprise is in store for Cheryl.  She knew it sounded stupid, bizarre even, but Kimberley reckoned Cheryl's pleasure strengthened her life force, reaffirmed everything about who she was.

Everytime she made love to the Geordie her libido surged and the older girl never felt so alive as she did when Cheryl surrendered herself completely to her ministrations.  Kimberley guessed it was the trust aspect of it all, the fact that, despite what she'd been through before, Cheryl had faith in her.  Never more so than when they made love gently or fucked passionately, the intensity was palpable, so much so that on occasion both women were reduced to tears.  Kimberley supposed it would be silly to anybody else but that's the way it was, too good to be true people would mock, fcuk them she'd respond, miserable buggers!

The older girl hummed the tune to one of her girlfriend's songs wondering how other people would react if they could see her now, stood in front of the mirror in complete New Look outfit and full make-up with a big sparkly black dildo jutting provocatively out of her lowered zipper.

Horror?  Astonishment?  Shock?  Lust?

She was certainly hoping for the latter reaction from Cheryl and something told her she wouldn't be disappointed.  Just as she was contemplating the most effective and original way to surprise her girlfriend the doorbell rang.

“sh!t! Who the hell's that at this time?!” Kimberley is momentarily startled as, due to work, Cheryl's away from home for a couple of days.   And why would she ring the doorbell to her own   house anyway dumbass! Kimberley mentally scolds herself struggling to tuck the dildo back inside the jeans as she goes to answer the door.

Must be a delivery, she thinks to herself, I'll just stay behind the door, shouldn't be a problem.

“I'm coming, I'm coming” she yells as the doorbell goes again, placing a protective hand over her attachment she takes a deep breath and opens the door.


Oh sh!t!  Kimberley's brain does a double take as Nadine stands before her on the doorstep in a tiny summer dress and heels, wobbling about slightly as she wrestles with several large bags, a trundley case propped up beside her.

“Hi Nads, what're you doing here?” questions Kimberley still hiding herself behind the door.

The Irish girl sighs,

“Cut a long story short I've had an argument with Jason, I've left him, is it ok if I stay with yous two for a bit?”

“Oh...Oh I see, it's just I the middle of something” Kimberley replies, momentarily taken aback.

“Oh...” Nadine's face drops and she starts to sniffle making the older girl feel atrociously guilty.

Opening the door wide she enfolds Nadine in her arms, patting her gently on the back,

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