Part 11

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“Come on Nads” Kim grins as her and Nadine stumble breathlessly out of the back of the rubber fortress they've both been bouncing about on for the previous half-hour.

“Phew! I feel like I've just finished twenty dance routines!” the Irish girl exclaims , leaning against the wall of the bouncey castle, “it was such a lovely idea of Cheryl's and I'm so grateful to have you two, just wish I could thank you properly”.

Running her eyes over Nadine's costume, which is now clinging even more tightly to the curves of her body, Kim smiles lustily.

“I can certainly think of something you can help me with for now...assuming that you're not knackered from bouncing up and down on Cheryl's contraption?!” the Bradfordian jokes, her intentions clear.

“Hmm...I think I've got enough energy left although I was hoping maybe later we could know” Nadine waggles her eyebrows animatedly.

“Oh I do...” Kim grins, “...but whilst we've got a quiet moment why don't I show you our secret gazebo...then you can show me just how much you appreciate our hospitality”.

She takes the Irish girl's hand and leads her away from the house and further into the massive garden.

Meanwhile, back inside the house, Nicola and Cheryl finally set eyes on Sarah who's emerging from the downstairs bathroom.

“Was beginning to wonder where the hell you'd got to!” Nicola exclaims, looping her arm through the blonde's.

“Sorry, I just went slightly queasy, maybe Tommy was right about me slowing down on the vodkas” Sarah conceeds.

“Right, that's it intruder – where've you put the real Sarah?!” Cheryl jokes, taking a sip from her own drink.

“Yeah, I can't believe Hardcore Harding is taking boozing tips from her boyfriend” Nicola teases, gently poking Sarah in the side.

“Yes, that still doesn't mean I've fully forgiven him though” the blonde wrinkles her nose up, “he can be a right prat sometimes!”

“Why? What's happened?” asks Cheryl, concerned over her friend's demeanour.

“Oh it's nothing really” Sarah fidgets, “me overeacting probably”.

“Nope, don't go pulling that one on us, spit it out!” the Geordie coerces.

“Yeah, come on, we love a bit of gossip” encourages Nicola.

“Well...we were out the back just talking then he suddenly starts getting all horny...I told him to wait til we got home seeing as this know...a girl/girl kind of bash and you wouldn't appreciate us heteros going at it on your...ahem...ladygarden...”

Nicola starts sniggering as a grinning Cheryl shakes her head.

“Too right we wouldn't...especially not when it's so nice and neat...anyway carry on” she prompts, winking.

“So then he gets irritable...says I'm more bothered about getting p!ssed than doing it with him...I told him to bugger off and he was just a stupid tiff really” the blonde rolls her eyes.

“You should go and find him, make up” Nicola advises.

“Not next to us rose bushes though...” Cheryl adds with a grin, “ and Kimba have already christened that particular spot if you get my meaning” she waggles her eyebrows suggestively.

“Oooh I'd be worried about getting thorns in my jacksie!” the blonde laughs.

“Well we weren't actually in the bushes, sort of at the side of them on a picnic blanket, although come to think of it a few stray hobnobs did get stuck in us hair!” the brunette exclaims, sending the other two girls into peels of laughter.

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