Part 9

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ps - for anyone who's not sure Diva is a lesbian lifestyle magazine in the UK 

“I've been thinking a lot and I've decided this really is I want, to be with women” the Irish girl declares.

“So would you mind if I came with you?” Nadine questions munching on her last piece of toast.

“To Pride I mean, not as a threesome obviously” she laughs nervously, “I just thought it might help with, you know, coming out and everything”.

“Sure, if you're ready to take that step Nads, it's a big one you know, there's the other girls to tell nevermind your family” warns Kimberley.

“I know it's not always going to be easy” agrees Nadine “but the sooner the better I suppose”.

“Probably best if you start with your family, we were lucky ours were so supportive”, Cheryl smiles remembering her own mother's reaction.

“Yeah Joan was great” Kim affirms, “she bought us a subscription to Diva and everything”.

“I wasn't so keen on the Prisoner Cell Block H DVD boxset though!” she adds laughing.

“Oh dear! Me mam tries bless her!” responds Cheryl as both her and Nadine dissolve into giggles.

“How'd your mammy react then?” asks Nadine after they've finally finished chuckling.

“It took her time to adapt, she was worried about how it'd affect my career, but she's more relaxed now she can see how happy I am”, Kim reaches over taking Cheryl's hand in hers, stroking over her knuckles with her thumb.

“You're so fortunate to have each other” Nadine sighs, “I don't know how I'm ever going to find a girlfriend”.

“Whoa back up!” Cheryl exclaims, “it's soon to be thinking of that before you've even come out!”

“That's true, besides you've always got us to take care of your...ahem...other needs for now” Kim grins, “we don't mind, honest”

“I bet you don't!” the Irish girl winks, getting up from her place at the table, both girls intently watching her long legs and pert arse as she saunters over to the kitchen side.  She smiles as, bending over to get the washing up liquid from under the sink, from behind her she hears both Cheryl and Kimberley intake sharp breaths.  Straightening up slowly she starts the water running, adding a touch of liquid to froth it up as she stares deeply into the bubbles.

In reality she was scared, absolutely terrified of coming out to her family, she knew she'd been acting like a sex-crazed maniac since she'd first arrived on Cheryl and Kim's doorstep but the truth was it helped, helped her to forget what she'd yet to go through.  The long-winded explanations, the inevitable gut-wrenching heartbreak should her family decide to disown her.

No! The Irish girl thinks.  You're being stupid...they'd never do that...they'll love you whatever...

But would they?

She has to find out before it tears her apart inside.  Turning off the water she turns to Cheryl and Kim,

“I need to use your phone, is that ok?”

“Yeah of course” replies Cheryl, both girls nodding, “is everything ok?”

“We'll soon know” Nadine replies taking a deep breath and heading for the hallway.

Picking up the phone she dials, heart thumping,

“Mammy it's me, I need to tell you something....”

“Do you think it's going ok?” Cheryl whispers to Kim as they both peer around the kitchen door into the hallway.

“I can't tell from here, who'd you think I am Inspector Bloody Gadget!?” Kimberley replies, shaking her head at the Geordie.

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