Part 13

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Ohhh...fcuk...don't stop!”

The headboard smacks into the wall repeatedly, the Geordie cursing vehemently as she nears climax, a fine film of sweat covering her body. 

Kimberley's hands wrap around each of the younger girl's thighs hoisting them upwards as she drives herself even further inside her girlfriend's wetness, ensuring that it's not long until Cheryl's head falls back and she erupts, her tiny body convulsing against Kim's.



Downstairs Nadine and Nicola giggle as Cheryl's earsplittingly loud orgasm reaches their ears.

“Wow!” Nicola repeats, “Kimba must have some mad sex skills, no wonder you want to stay here eh!”

The Irish girl grins saucily,

“Well it does have its perks...err...”, she pauses, eyes transfixed on the screen as Cheryl stops singing 'Happy Birthday' and the camera pans out exposing the Geordie in her very own birthday suit.

“What's up?” Nicola looks bemused as Nadine nods her head towards the TV screen.

“I..err...I don't think this's a party tape Nic” she exclaims, sitting on the edge of her seat as a naked Cheryl makes her way over to the bed, beckoning for the camera to follow her.

The redhead  turns her head round just in time to catch the Geordie climbing onto the bed on all fours, the camera fixed on her exposed backside.

“Oh Jesus...” she breathes, “...definately not a party tape”

“Whoa!”, Nicola's eyes shoot open even further as, on screen, Cheryl gives the person behind the lens a dimpled smile and a wink , sucking on her fingers exaggeratedly before sliding them down between her legs and pleasuring herself for the camera.

“Are you enjoying your birthday present baby?” the brunette asks lowly, deliberately putting on a show.

“Mmm...yes” comes a husky voice from behind the camera.

“Kimberley!” squeaks Nicola, hands clutching the remote tightly, unable to tear her eyes from the on-screen happenings.

“Well I didn't think it'd be anyone else” Nadine jokes lightly, aware of the wetness building between her own legs as, on screen, the Geordie groans, fingers working rapidly over herself.

“Kimba...” she whimpers “...fcuk me”

The camera pans down exposing the lower half of Kimberley's body, the older girl releasing the large shaft of the strap-on she's wearing from her loose fitting jeans.

“Ok, I've got toffee popcorn, chocolate and nachos” Sarah emerges from the kitchen laden with various snacks, “who wants what?”

“FCUK ME!” she exclaims loudly, staring open-mouthed at the wide-screen, crystal clear image of Cheryl getting fcuked hard from behind with a sizeable dildo.  Back on the TV a visibly aroused Geordie echoes Sarah's comment,

“Ohhh....fcuk me!”

“Did you just hear something?” Kimberley asks Cheryl as the pair lay on the bed post-sex, sweaty but happy, their bodies entwined.

“Thought it was just us brain...” Cheryl replies, her hand stroking over the smooth skin of the other girl's stomach, “it sounded like someone fcuking but there's only them three downstairs” she frowns.

“Hey, maybe Diney's trying to convert them” Kim chuckles raising an eyebrow, “you know she's always had a soft spot for Sarah”

Cheryl grins,

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