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"I have walked down this road a thousand times but will you do me a favour and walk with me this last mile?"

I was walking down the road in countryside. Somerset, it was truly beautiful. I wish my grandmother could have been here to see it. She was the only one that could have understood me and my feelings. Mother was too busy with work; late night shifts and twenty- four seven work. Maybe what I needed was my friends.

But they were all occupied in their own lives. I don't think they even remember me, even if they did, they didn't acknowledge my existence.

The cool breeze hit my face and there was this rhythm to it, my hair swished from side to side, and I giggled like a little school girl.

Sam rode on his bicycle beside me. He waved his hand and smiled in my direction. Ah! the simplicity
of this place. I want to stay here forever but, I can't change the situation I am in.

Life is one hell of a journey.

Grandma why did you have to leave me? I need you, beside me ,to help me relieve my anxiety. I want to go back and re-live, all those memories I had with you. Every single was the best experience I had in my life.

The first time I sung an old love song when grandpa took us camping. My first love, a boy who always wore the same red coat, no matter the weather. Everyone told me he had joined the army and was leaving ,after taking his parents blessing.

As I reached the curve of the road, everything was coming back to me, all the memories.

I was on the platform, running after a train. Chasing after something which I knew didn't exist anymore. I recall the first time my heart broke. It was then, when I broke up with Louise, I cried straight for two weeks. My cheeks had waned from the lack of color in them.

I had only written a sort of journal in my diary, that's the time my parents called grandma.

She arrived in haste and sat with me hours and gave lessons about love,I enjoyed her company,she made me realize what life had to offer and nothing can stop it from moving on.

We were best friends.

The best memory of ours was when I was a teenager.

I used to visit her every summer and she would teach me how to bake, teach me the tricks of sewing and other lady-like etiquettes.

She would teach me how to sit gracefully in a chair, sip tea without any kind of noise. How to talk like an intellectual, dress prim and proper and most importantly, to love myself. Resting my mind and sighing softly, I sat on a street bench. Somerset held my secrets, my moments, in short my life.

Leaving the bench and my thoughts behind, I start to run as fast as my legs can take me. The wind is swiping in my hair. I feel like I am soaring. Forgetting everything. I am free, wild and hopeful.

Grandma always believed the tomorrow would bring challenges and inspiration. She was so cheerful and optimistic, even after Grandpa passed away. She pretended to be strong, but deep down, I knew how she felt. Empty and alone.

She told us about how she met grandpa, not cheesy like How I Met Your Mother but a great story which made us think, how everything has changed. Someday, I wish to fall in love. Like Taylor Swift did in love story or like David Copperfield. Honestly, I am not that interested in stories. My sister, Melanie, insists I should read to distract myself.
Can't deny your sister can you?

I guess, I have been trying to ignore the main question, which happens to be my impending marriage.

First of all, arrange marriage in twenty first century is basically a business deal.

Secondly, he is a playboy.

Thirdly, I want to marry a person whom I love with all my heart.

Fourthly, he is Greek.

Fifthly, I don't want to leave my country.

Sixthly, I have a job too.

And lastly, how can someone marry a stranger?

I ramble a lot I guess.

Life is like a road, filled with innumerable number of twists and turns.

Life is like a road, filled with innumerable number of twists and turns

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The Greek Billionaires Goddess

  The Greek Billionaires Goddess

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-Xoxo, m

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