Line 37 / Part 2

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John wanted to ask a gazillion questions and get right into how this all fit with the new paradigm and a natural world but he didn't quite know how to articulate the flood of feelings rushing through his system. No need to push. They had a whole year to explore those subjects, and with their trust in each other restored he was sure there waited a ton of adventures ahead.

Before the silence could get weird, Julia's phone vibrated in the pocket of her jeans where she had put it after the phone call with her father. Her conscious mind did not make the connection that this device should actually be in her backpack, the place where she put it before she had left her room last night. The picture she took at Thanksgiving of her grandparents waving good-bye, told her the call came from the house.

"I guess they found my empty bed," she grinned and accepted the call. Before she could even say hello she heard her mother's voice scream so loud that she thought she might get feedback. She put the phone on the mattress in front of her and touched the speaker icon.

"Julia! Thank goodness you're all right! I didn't find your note until just now and was worried senseless!"

"My note, aha," was Julia's response to that piece of information, acting on the smart teenager's motto that if in doubt about what was going on, let the adult take the lead.

Elizabeth, in her excitement to have her daughter back unharmed, never noticed. "I know! It must have fallen off the door where you put it and I never looked at the floor! I was so upset when I saw your empty bed I called the sheriff."

Julia rolled her eyes at John while mouthing words he couldn't make out but was sure they expressed something mothers wouldn't approve.

Elizabeth on her end entirely unaware of her daughter's silent comments, continued without taking a breath. "You know darling, when I heard you had called your dad I was terrified that you didn't want to live with me anymore, didn't love me anymore. I mean, I always thought you love him more than you love me but you know I really like having you around. Love our life together, just us girls."

Julia raised her shoulders, shook her head. John did nothing.

"Mom, mom, slow down! What are you saying? You talked to dad?"

"Of course! Well, I mean, the sheriff called him to see if he had heard from you. So he told us he had a missed call and when he tried to call you back he only got your voicemail. I was out of my mind with fear! But the good thing is, I have decided that if you don't want to stay here you don't have to. I know it's too late for camp but listen," Elizabeth got a grip and interrupted her flow. "Anyhow, we talk about it later when you're back home. Aren't you hungry? Don't you want to have breakfast?"

Julia laughed out loud. "No, mom, thanks, I had breakfast," John almost buckled with suppressed giggles which made Julia laugh more. "And hey, if you want to talk to me about Japan, that's okay. I know all about it."

Elizabeth gasped. "I see." A beat. "Anyhow darling, you don't have to stay here with grandma, I am more than happy to take you with me! We'll work something out I promise!"

"Aw, mom, that's sweet. But I had a genuinely thrilling first day here and I think you were right when you said the forest can be magical and mysterious. I think I got something of that really powerful medicine you were talking about. So I'll be happy to spend the year. And you go and make a difference. I'll be proud. And mom, I love you."

Before her mother could reply she ended the call.

"Whoa John! Did you hear that? Now believing in psychic stuff is one thing but how do I get my mind around the fact that I left a note for her or that dad has gotten my missed call when I was only dreaming that whole thing?"

The twenty-two friends sat silently around the big table in the once again antique looking conference room and watched the image on the honeycomb-wall-monitor fade out, as Mirra closed her book and opened her eyes.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, well done, well done," Herr Kaiser roared, "Looks like the journey has begun!"





Next in the

Journeys of John and Julia


Chapter Two: Between Worlds

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