Smile, darn ya, smile!

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Chapter one.

"Smile, darn ya, smile. You know this old world is a great world after all, Smile, darn ya, smile
And right away watch "Lady Luck" pay you a call!" I scream at the top of my lungs, I smile at the guy next to me.

"Smile!" He chuckles at me, what? What's wrong? Why is he so boring? I hear coughing which gets my attention, who's sick? My eyes meet the most cutest teacher ever, Mr. Tenor.

He's a lawyer, teacher, musician, huge geek, and my future husband. Don't tell his wife though, I'll kill her on the way. I let out a creepy smile, marry me, please.

"Please keep your music to yourself even though that song is amazing, please."

I blink, is he talking to me? "Yes, I am."

"Ohh wow," I smile, "okay! May I go to the restroom, please?" I lace my fingers together with a huge smile, batting my beautiful eyelashes at him. He just nods, signing me a pink pass which makes me squeal as I walk pass my annoying classmates.

One of those glares at me, I don't know why people hate me and push me around? I mean, I'm adorable! Like honey, you can't find someone like me.
Yes, people bully me and push me around but it doesn't bother me at all, I'm too happy to listen to them.

"Please return to class." He smiles at me, worrily. I lean back with my hand on my chest, pardon me?

"I always come back for you, only you." I say, is this how he's going to treat his future wife? Tsk tsk, nope! Not me, honey-bun.
"I know, MJ." He knows my nickname! Oh wow, he does know me so well.

School has started two months ago, some of my teachers are still learning my name.

Morgan. Morgan Jupiter Stanley. Is it that hard to know? Yet again, they have like hundreds of student, I nod at him.
I walk out of the class, now where do I go for ten minutes? Skip around, sing a song out loud, or do I annoy a teacher of mine--or better, I annoy the janitor.

There is actually two, Tumble and Boy; nicknames I gave them in my freshman year. They stick with me all the time, only friends I actually have. Sad, isn't it? Nope, just kidding!
I skip down the long hallway of this five floor school, I see Tumble.

"Tumble!" I wave my arms up in the air, she turns around and smiles at me. "Jupiter! How are you, honey?"
Tumble is a fifty year old lady, she wasn't educated when she was kid so she barely knows how to read and write, she also has cancer. She's been fighting cancer for a long time, I know I will cry if she dies.

"Cool like always, how are you? How are your treatments? Do you need money? I'll give you money."

My brain goes on automatic, making me to just ramble words until Tumble puts her shaking hand on my mouth. Thankfully, she takes her gloves before touching my mouth. I blink with a smile forming on my lips, I love you so much Tumble.
She shakes her head at me, what's wrong? What did I say? Did I say something wrong? "Oh my sweet little Jupiter, always caring for others. I'm fine, I can pay for my treatments."

"Nuh-uh," I wiggle my finger at her, placing my hand on my hip, "Tumble, if you need help then tell me. I'll be sad if something happens to you."

"Smile, my sweet Jupiter." I smile at her, brightly which I look at the clock. I have a few minutes, I tell her to sing me the song that is played in Who Framed Roger rabbit?
I help her with some things, I hate that she has to work. It makes me mad, I look at the time and it's time.

"I have to go, I'll see you next hour!" I wave at her, I skip down the hall again and twirl between the skips. People say I'm stupid which is true but I don't care, if being stupid makes me happy than let it be.

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